If it rained and snowed then the bend should still be wet. It has a clay base.
Digginholes said:across the road from that spot has also been logged and in some places I noticed there has been a little gravel brought up with the trees being torn up,I didnt test any of it but I think it could be worth further investigation.
I do have old exploration reports for that area and theres a lot of good info in them and a lot of good test holes were done through out the Vulcan most of them produced sapphire at varying depths
Heatho said:Plenty of Billy's in the New England gemfields mate. Sure I've seen them at Sapphire Bend as well.
Chiron52 said:I sometimes think about the sapphire digging at Sapphire Bend.
If, like I have, you could see how many times over the years the forest had been logged, the stumps pulled out and burned, then the whole area replanted, you got to wonder how there can be any sapphire/gravel layers left at all.
I also wonder if in the process of pulling the tree stumps out of the ground, whether the sapphire bearing gravels have been disturbed to the point that there could be sapphires at any level - from the top down.