Putting the F75 to the test

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Jan 12, 2014
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Went to a house site today with at least a 130 year history with permission of the owner. The two old sheds have recently been removed to make way for a modern backyard. The dust had settled a few days ago from the bobcat and I examined the ground. Most of the top was still undisturbed and after the top 3 inches remained intact with the exception of the driveway. Next week a shed and gardens will put in which is a bit sad really but thankfully I'll get a couple of days to give it a go. The going was impeded by the extreme mineralization, GB figures of 80+ and heavy emi so I worked up the sens to 50s just to get the ball rolling. The challenge didn't stop there, the ground was laden with a mountain of junk, the poor machine has a reputation for great recovery on multiple targets and did a pretty good job. I took a fluro can of pink marking paint gridded up and took another one in yellow to highlight targets. Cross referenced with earliest pics to determine likely tread paths but in short it was next to impossible to get through, each movement of the 11x5 DD had the machine singing, so for the first hour I went ahead on the solid non ferrous targets in the 60 square grid. 47 solid targets identified and dug up in the next 3 hours all in the top 3 inches. Lead, copper, brass, silver, aluminum, all manner of ids but alas junk, including brass handles, tap wear, small brass cup and shell casings, copper tubing, multiple copper washers, and shotgun primers, lead conglomerate, broken silver candle stick(scrap only) busted buckles, copper/brass press studs, tinfoil, screws, and unreadable trophy plaque. Upped the sensitivity to mid 70s id on 25 more targets but alas similar junk.

Went back and did 3 squares using the dig all targets running it on the edge using threshold drops method for more depth more steel than a sane man would handle, 15 non ferrous targets (mostly small coppers breaking down and casings bit of lead) and 57 to go. Not a single coin but I hold faith, it's justa question of coil time. I've learnt a few things today about the F75 and feel like we are beginning to bond, this site forced me to be focused instead of my usual lazy like foray in the parks. An old house site keeps you sharp. Deepest ferrous target lead piece at 9 inches, to be fair it was 7 by 5 cm surface area. Gave me a boost in confidence that if i had a decent nugget target reasonably shallow it may hit it. Pulled copper washers 2 cm across at solid 6 inch in harsh conditions. Be back tomorrow hopefully picking up something noteworthy to share.
Sounds like a hell of a challenging site, must be the odd coin in there somewhere. Still, it would be fun trying to pick out all those non-ferrous items out of the ground, you never know what could show up. :)
It started is life as an Inn of sorts, accommodation for travelers near a rail station that I have hunted (out) that showed more than a few pre decs (nothing noteworthy). They pulled the floorboards at one point but I didn't have a machine at the time. When they did the renos they found a heap of old signatures of the old craftsman, the original "dining" door had the word imprinted on the wood sun bleached in, a host of old scrap papers in the ceilings and under floor coverings. I had high hopes and is a shame is such a small Window of opportunity, and sadly will be sold once everything is completed, such is modern life I guess. That candle holder I was certain was a florin, it was a solid ID right on the exact number at 3 inches. I was a bit upset.
You know what. Sometimes its the sites that you think
Will deliver that end up not delivering.

As an example i hit a site where there was an old trussel
Bridge. Site looked promising.

My first go to machine in such site is my tom tuned cz3d.
The machine can ping coins deep on a high tone or crackle.
Dug 15 targets then gave up. Crap everywhere.

I then went back with the G2 and can see canslaw and
Aluminium screw caps at around 3". Again dug another
15 or so targets and one which i thought was a winner
At 9" which ended up being a large bolt.

Today i went back and hit it with my new whites v3i.
Same thing crap everyone.

There is a new bridge beside it 50 metres away. The
Grassed area in between is not a large area but if
There are coins there there won't be a truckload.

Ground has been disturbed and there is can slaw
everywhere. So what does one do? I have spent
About 3 hours detecting this site and i won't be
Spending more time on it at this point. The other
Thing is the bridge was not greatly used because
It was a crossing to get to a few farms rather a
Lead in to the city.

I then went to an old school site its about 1880. No
Building just bare land. Walked around in different
Areas for over an hour before it got dark not 1 good
Target. I think you know if the site is ok after 45 or
60 minutes.

Are there any trees around this site your looking at?
If there is look for Tree trunks that have an indent
around them. Imagine wire being tight around the trunk
used As a clothes hanger and as the tree grows it grows
In and around the wire. Not sure if this makes
Look for the clothes line! It worked out for me ... thanks again Wolf
I might even be going to the farm this weekend, although heavy rain is predicted
Sandta said:
Look for the clothes line! It worked out for me ... thanks again Wolf
I might even be going to the farm this weekend, although heavy rain is predicted

Did you end up finding the tree using this method? Its
The first thing i look for and can take a bit of time to
Adjust to the area until you start focusing.
At wolf's request I'll share the contents of an old biscuit tin I dug up a rainy day box long forgotten. I have pics in situ but as they reflect the location I will temper on the side of confidentiality of the current owner, who was nice enough not only to let me dig but keep the finds. Still no coins but time will tell.

Unfortunately nothing amazing but a nice find all the same. Leaves you wondering what else may be unearthed yet, and lends itself to the best practice of digging all targets.
Thanks for sharing goldtarget.

I suspect that would of been a bit of money
Back in the day.

Its always exciting digging stuff up.

Keep searching..
Goldtarget said:
At wolf's request I'll share the contents of an old biscuit tin I dug up a rainy day box long forgotten. I have pics in situ but as they reflect the location I will temper on the side of confidentiality of the current owner, who was nice enough not only to let me dig but keep the finds. Still no coins but time will tell.https://www.prospectingaustralia.com/forum/img/member-images/2152/1408623040_img_20140821_215855.jpg
Unfortunately nothing amazing but a nice find all the same. Leaves you wondering what else may be unearthed yet, and lends itself to the best practice of digging all targets.

OHHHHH, wotta find, a cache ! who detects bank notes ? :lol:

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