Without seeing the document I could only speculate.
While Id baulk at the administration fee as for being asked to take out your own insurance, well youd be silly not to.
If the pastoralists stock dies because of something youve done, too right you should foot the bill!
I work with the pastoralist, mining companies, small leaseholders as well as prospectors and being a prospector myself I see four sides to the one coin.
Sometimes that puts me in a rather ****** position trying to do a juggling act and keep everything running smoothly and amicable for all parties.
Your have the pastoral act, the mining act, the native title act and any number of other acts all covering the same patch of dirt and often they contradict each other and all can be open to interpretation differently depending on whos reading it.
Also I really really hate saying this but prospectors are their own worst enemy, and if I was to put a number on it, from what I witness out here I would say 80% + do the wrong thing. Is it any wonder mining companies and pastoralist are jacking up and looking at avenues to make it harder.
It is so easy to do the right thing unfortunately most dont.
Saying all that, show me another state where anyone for minimal dollars and trouble can peg their own lease and have such a rewarding lifestyle.