Hi everyone,
The brand new Prospectors and Miners Association of Tasmania is now up and running! Thanks to the people whose hard work got this off the ground, and thanks in particular to PMAV and NAPFA for encouraging us to associate and seek strength in numbers.
Conditions for prospectors and fossickers in Tasmania have been getting steadily worse over the 20 years since our current mining act was introduced. Individual queries and complains from prospectors have had absolutely no effect. We can only hope that an association representing fossickers, prospectors and small-scale miners in Tasmania is harder to ignore.
If you want to have a look, our website is:
We also have a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/prospectorsandminerstasmania
If you're keen to join, you can download a membership form from the website.
Cheers again to everyone who helped by deed or encouragement.
President, Prospectors and Miners Association of Tasmania
The brand new Prospectors and Miners Association of Tasmania is now up and running! Thanks to the people whose hard work got this off the ground, and thanks in particular to PMAV and NAPFA for encouraging us to associate and seek strength in numbers.
Conditions for prospectors and fossickers in Tasmania have been getting steadily worse over the 20 years since our current mining act was introduced. Individual queries and complains from prospectors have had absolutely no effect. We can only hope that an association representing fossickers, prospectors and small-scale miners in Tasmania is harder to ignore.
If you want to have a look, our website is:
We also have a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/prospectorsandminerstasmania
If you're keen to join, you can download a membership form from the website.
Cheers again to everyone who helped by deed or encouragement.
President, Prospectors and Miners Association of Tasmania