Well..guess whose back and up for a post on the forum...well...on this topic only for now.I could not go to my bed tonight and expect to sleep..without coming out from the fringes of my self-imposed exile..if only briefly to thank 7.62 marksman for a fantastic day today, working in alongside the great man he-self!
There were periods of time throughout the morning when I thought I was going into meltdown, 8) 8) as the day progressed..from about 0830. onwards, Ken's backyard turned from hot to stifling inside of an hour.
Holding this and passing that..switching power tools from one to the other,bending down and bobbing back up again,forced to put my (shoulder to the wheel for what seemed like an eternity) holding panels in place ..while Ken wandered off on merry little sojourn finding whatever it was that he was looking for!

I was a lather of sweat..underneath my favourite 'sky-blue" t-shirt ]

Our main goal was to secure panels to the back and sides of the build..and measuring twice and cutting once!

:Y: Ken soon had each panel ripped out with no -fuss..bloody straight as an arrow!

:Y: :Y: :Y:

I don't know if Ken has photos..but I do..however my phone is dead flat so I'd have to post 'em later.
With the panels in place by 1230. or so..lunch was taken at the local..I enjoyed my flat headtails.Ken woofed into his favourite 'Bangers n' mash and we washed it down with a schooner of..wait for it..Coke.

Ken, Robyn said. "thank ..thank you ..thank you.. for the pots, and she is stoked with the lead-light job..I wish she would say all the nice things about me as she is currently saying about you!!!!



So as this post hits the headlines!!!! ]




..or maybe not!

Having spent the better part of the day with you mate, has been good for me..and I am now in a very much happier place then I have been of late.Thanks to 7.62marksman.