Yes, works great on Chrome with Android OS
I couldn't get the pmav website to work properly, so I use Firefox, there are some sites that will not on my phone with Chrome.This is all I getRamjet said:noncents said:Try downloading and using Firefox, it should work on there.lucky streak said:Pablop hi I'm using an android phone maybe why it doesn't work might have to use computer.
I use Chrome.
Thanks for the infoMetamorphic said:Chrome settings page :
In Appearance, try clicking 'Reset to default theme'
Reload the site....any diff?
dwt said:When's the next Eureka Echo due out wombat?,
Maybe it's a good time to start talking about working with the other recreational user groups about presenting a united front against these changes, like rotgrub has initiated stateside.wombat said:That's fantastic that the both of you have joined. We need as many members as possible as there is a big push right now by the Green movement to try and create a "Great Forest National Park" This area of 355,000 hectares would be added to the already National Parks of the area and reaching from Whittlesea to Woods Point, Eildon to Erica and this would take up a number of Goldfields. But the Greens do not want to stop there, thier next move is to target the Central Goldfields taking in most, if not ALL of the Golden Triangle. Remember that in most National Parks you are NOT allowed to prospect. Not only will this effect us but also 4X4, fishing, motorbike riding, horse riding, restricted camping and much more.
We are going to have a big fight on our hand to try and stop this proposal so we need ever prospector to belong to the PMAV if we have any chance of winning. The full report on the National Parks will be in the next Ecko coming out in a couple of weeks
AtomRat said:So the gem club is trying to expand but through 'protection groups' I've seen maps showing that nearly every tributary of the yarra river falls into this map I've seen showing future either catchment or protection areas which may cause a conflict.
We are the only club central to most the gemstone / gold prospecting areas and its future expanding plans means we will be digging a fair bit doing tourist tours and organised digs with the community.
How and what do we need to do to put this across to PMAV to help keep the areas open to prospecting and make sure we are not wiped out from The Valley.
Just as a note, the protection act is to prevent an increase in sediments towards melbourne, which in my oppinion will never stop as its geologically impossible to stop earth plates moving and moutains growing which will forever push melbourne into port phillip bay ( many many years ). If Upper Yarra dam was never built, the creeks would have the flow to clear its stagnant tributaries with much better flows and control of sediments. Another large reason for the act is pollution / waste.
I've been to greens commitee meetings and they never knew of prospecting being of any addition to the sediment rates and we are not thier concern ( unless were damaging wildlife and protected fauna / flora ). I think a compromise can be met and keep prospecting active. Thier hobby is to protect the hobby is digging minerals..were aloud to have hobbies and trust me..this valley needs activities like prospecting and gems to keep them off the streets