The perferated mesh is just sitting there in the position I 'hope' is it's final position. I'm worried about only having 30mm clearance between the perferated and the bottom of the hopper and only 50mm to the shower grates.
12 inches of dream mat to feed means lots of water to drain out of the hopper quickly...
Sorry I'm late to this party but I just saw this thread.
Don't ever add more hardener to epoxy, only mix it in the ratios that specified on the container it came in, adding more or less hardener makes for a weak mix or at worst one that won't go off at all and will remain soft and gummy for ever more . You can buy epoxy to be Fast, Medium or Slow curing.
The most important thing with using epoxy is to use it within the correct temperature range (too cold is worse than too hot).
Polyester or Vinylester you can adjust the catalyst quantity according to ambient temperature within reason but don't use those on wood, they won't stick for very long.
You did the correct thing by using epoxy but oh boy you bought the most expensive there is by going with an ultra clear.
Anyhoo, this is not a criticism of your work but more of a heads up for anyone else contemplating doing the same as you and I must say it is looking rather good.