Pawn star

Prospecting Australia

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Jun 4, 2014
Reaction score
Newcastle, NSW
Early last year i was selling some of my yoyo's on gumtree and ebay.
I got a phone call from a girl who told me she was from a tv production company. She wanted to know if id be interested in selling some of my yoyo's on a program called 'Australian Pawn Stars' that they were in the process of producing in Sydney. So i went to the shop in Bondi and spent the day doing acting scenes selling my yoyo's.
My son has Austar and tells me the show is now being advertised , and airs later this month.
Im not sure if they will be including what i did or if i just ended up on the editing room floor. :rolleyes:
They have contacted me a couple of times since asking if i would like to do some more shows but i chose not to.
Stay tuned you never know ... I could be spotted by a talent scout for my acting ability and be off to Hollywood for my new career
:lol: :lol:
I better get tuned in. Seen the adds but didn't realize it had started yet. Acting classes hey :/ I wondered how bogus aome of those shows were. Nevermind gotta be better than watching those yanks
Yoyo, Sandta,.... didja get a good price for your Yoyo's ? :)
Sounds fun :) Please upload a video of the episode on youtube and share it with those who are far away and can't watch it live through tv broadcast !
Thanks for the comments . It was something very much out of my normal type life ... Thats for sure.
I havent seen it yet either. I have no idea how it turned out, or what type of person i am portrayed to be.
All i can say is 'its television' ... We spent almost 8 hours doing the segment. The amount of cuts , takes , action etc is amazing . We were in the shop then out down the street filming all sorts of senarios and interview questions.
After doing this ... Then watching almost any of these types of programs .... It is all so set up and staged .
Dont believe what you see. Its an absolutely amazing process and the director strings together bits and pieces which makes his visions come out atthe end. Im looking forward to seeing it myself,but as i dont have pay tv most of you will probably see it before me .
Thats even if they used it at all :rolleyes:
crazy how they contacted you through an ebay add. that is very cool and destined to happen. Your a real prospector on a prospecting show. So you know what price is silly and whats not which is to your advantage. pretty cool ive always wanted to have something cool to sell on a show like pawnstars.
Way cool mate!

I missed it but will have a look for the repeat.....not sure what channel but should be in the 'News/Documentary' section.

Now we have our own official PA movie star, sorry Pawn star!

Can see the Hollywood title now due out next year.....'Sandta Does Dallas' :D

Well done dude ;)
Sandta said:
Well ... Its official !
Im now a certified 'Pawn Star' :lol:
The episode aired last night at 10:30 on foxtel
I guess now its only a matter of time until Hollywood comes a knockin ;)

I watched the episode with my son last night and said to him, hey that guy is on the Prospecting forum and this was mentioned a while back. So great to see it aired and as you say, now just wait for Hollywood.
Sandta said:
Well ... Its official !
Im now a certified 'Pawn Star' :lol:
The episode aired last night at 10:30 on foxtel
I guess now its only a matter of time until Hollywood comes a knockin ;)
I'm watching the replay now. I think you're on next. Congrats on attaining stardom Sandta. That's awesome. :)

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