Hey Everyone,
I am an absolute noob when it comes to prospecting, anything to do with cartography and it seems being able to decipher any sort of information. Before I start, I dont want your secrets
just a little bit of information that may send me in the right direction. Ive read through a good couple of posts and seem to have made myself more confused. When it comes to prospecting, are you only allowed to do it at the 12 parks that are stated on the Parkweb website?
If a river or stream isnt on the exempt list does that mean you can go for it?
Can you ask rangers to prospect on parks that arent on the Parkweb website?
Ive only been out once so far and realised how little I know. Had a great day out though.
I am an absolute noob when it comes to prospecting, anything to do with cartography and it seems being able to decipher any sort of information. Before I start, I dont want your secrets
If a river or stream isnt on the exempt list does that mean you can go for it?
Can you ask rangers to prospect on parks that arent on the Parkweb website?
Ive only been out once so far and realised how little I know. Had a great day out though.