Panned up a few flakes not far from home.

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Jan 8, 2014
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Gotta love it when a creek near home gives up the gold. I used my hand suction dredge to sample around some natural riffles and rocks etc and was pretty stoked when I saw this lot in the pan. Under the loupe there are a couple of little nuggets in there too.
The really small specks had me a bit bemused as they actually float!!
I used some windex to break the water tension so the little suckers would drop.

Might have to pan up the bank towards the hill and fins the source. Trouble is you can see it from the road so if I set up the highbanker I will definitely draw some attention.
Just I thought on breaking surface tension I fill a old eye dropper bottle with dish washing liquid and take it in my panning kit it takes 1 drop a pan once your down to the black sands and I just swish it up with my fingers.

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