I'm sending in one more order, make sure of enough supplies. So far have a stack of sketch pads size 17" x 14" and 18" x 24", assortment of charcoal pencils, 2 brands of art ink for dip pens, only #2 graphite pencils, cans of spray fixative. With the last order will have a huge pack of assorted studio graphite pencils. The dip pens are being carved from tree branches, don't like the metal tip dip pens. Not only wood pens having a point, but the sharp edges will be useful like a palette knife.
This is going to be easy because no messy paint. I have painting supplies, had to put them away for a long time, seems I'm too messy with them in the house. Right now doing a lot of planning. Started getting the wood pens going on video and want to later make some videos on it.
The idea came from a sketch, real simple pencil, ballpoint pen, black felt marker, made last summer. Scanned this small quick sketch, in my computer converted the image to grayscale. It was for another forum, I'll post to show you how simple can turn out good. The sketch was of a 1967 era replica of the Jewish Urim and Thummin. Being small, have figured out what to use on a large scale art work of other subjects. Used for the sketch below of the UT.....fine point black Bic ballpoint, #2 graphite pencil, blue normal width ballpoint, black smallpoint marker.
It is backwards here, photo was that way, ancient Hebrew alphabet characters for first and last letter. Since they read from right to left, should really be flipped around.
It was cropped for the 2 ends (same sketch). That fine white line on the alphabet character below was added using my image software, only thing added. Think now it would have looked better without the line, doesn't appear natural.
The last stone (above) is dark colored in the original replica photo.