Other Bush Nasties! Bullants, jumping jacks, bees, wasps etc.

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Sep 8, 2013
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Just thought I would list a remedy to relieve the pain of bullant ,bee,wasp and some spider bites. Look for the new growth on the Bracken Fern, pinch off the curly bit at the top, rub on the affected area. The pain should ease in a matter of minutes. WARNING Wash hands thoroughly as the sap contains Cyanide
i got bitten by 5 bullants some years ago in the bush very painful ... used this remedy and the pain was gone immediately good idea for sharing johnb
johnb said:
Just thought I would list a remedy to relieve the pain of bullant ,bee,wasp and some spider bites. Look for the new growth on the Bracken Fern, pinch off the curly bit at the top, rub on the affected area. The pain should ease in a matter of minutes. WARNING Wash hands thoroughly as the sap contains Cyanide

are you sure its cyanide ?

open wounds like bites may absorb poisons ?
Centipedes bite like a Muthafu.k.a ! the only remedy i had was a can of rid ....
did the 'i have bullants under my shirt dance' today. Mother fornicators!!!! Stingos for me in the back pack but they really friggin hurt. heres a bit of old time history - first bullant bite? 1972 - panning with my Pop at Creswick - right on the butt.
Red hornets are what I fear most. In my job I come across these occasionally, luckily I don't have an allergy to these, some people swell up badly from them. If bitten around the face, chest area you would be advised to get to a hospital asap. They are about an inch+ long, orange in colour with orangey-yellow wings. There sting is very painfull. There not a bite and fly away insect, they attach themselves to you and have to be torn off to stop them repeatedly stinging. Last encounter I had I got hit by 8 at once and for a 15 minutes + I was in a whole new world off pain. The only way to get rid of them was to lose the shirt as I was running (all the stings were to the upper body,3 on the guts, 2 on 1 arm and 1 on the back of the neck). If you come across a nest there'll be one staring straight at you, firstly, back away from the nest, secondly don't take your eyes off him or he will have you, thirdly, don't run unless they attack (they love the thrill of the chase I think).
:) Mick
I got bitten multi times by a scorpion in my bed when i was a sleep. I can tell you, i wasn't asleep for long. Man they pack a punch. I found a scorpion under my towel in the bathroom shelf the other night. Axeman, your right they look for movement and attack that. I read some where that the fresh tips of bracken fern can be boil and eaten as a vegetable?
loamer said:
did the 'i have bullants under my shirt dance' today. Mother fornicators!!!! Stingos for me in the back pack but they really friggin hurt. heres a bit of old time history - first bullant bite? 1972 - panning with my Pop at Creswick - right on the butt.

there are worse places to get bitten by a bull ant

i recommend giving your trousers a good shake before slipping them on when camping out bush.

( near miss ) :D
Roscoe I think you may find its the tips of King Ferns, not bracken fern that you can eat. You can also eat the rhizome of the King fern, taste' nutty.

Roscoe said:
I got bitten multi times by a scorpion in my bed when i was a sleep. I can tell you, i wasn't asleep for long. Man they pack a punch. I found a scorpion under my towel in the bathroom shelf the other night. Axeman, your right they look for movement and attack that. I read some where that the fresh tips of bracken fern can be boil and eaten as a vegetable?
Hi All,

Why is it then that poddy calves put in a paddock with bracken in it have been known to die from eating it

Sand fly bites leave nasty welts on your skin ..rub this with roll on deodorant, I used the clear one and it takes away the itch/pain

I think that once you boil the fresh buds/tips in water the poisons are changed. A lot of plant toxins are changed once the plant is boiled. Pete you may be right mate, what does a king fern look like? Please i am not saying you can eat fresh boiled bracken fern tips, i just thought i heard or read some where you can as a survival food? As Pete said a could be confusing it with the fern he has mentioned. :)
Young bracken fern will kill cattle if they consum it, have been about 20 head of beef cattle die on the Southern Highland of NSW a few month ago due to the dryness and lack of pasture and cattle must have consumed some. Once cattle go down it take about three days for them to die and they **** almost black blood. A bit like nitrate poisoning, lack of oxygen in the blood.

You can eat stinging nettle once it is boiled, but wouldn't suggest eating bracken fern...
Sounds like a slow miserable death, i agree it would be a good idea not to eat it then. Hows Nowra going arwon, i use to go fishing a lot years ago on comerong island, excuse the spelling. :)
Arwon said:
Young bracken fern will kill cattle if they consum it, have been about 20 head of beef cattle die on the Southern Highland of NSW a few month ago due to the dryness and lack of pasture and cattle must have consumed some. Once cattle go down it take about three days for them to die and they **** almost black blood. A bit like nitrate poisoning, lack of oxygen in the blood.

You can eat stinging nettle once it is boiled, but wouldn't suggest eating bracken fern...

reminds me . i must do a bush tucker & survival course before i do my desert and WA trip :|
I think its a good idea to learn bush tucker you never know when it will come in handy. I think that i would of rolled myself if i ate that bracken fern in a survival situation. :D
I have always got a few tins of tucker stuffed under the seat. I lived and worked in Arnhemland for 10 years or so, driving out to remote locations. Those spare tins of tucker under the landcruiser seat have come in handy a few times, when i got stuck behind swollen creeks in the wet.

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