Small error Mate but here you go, 
Hi all, New at this, but lets see if I am entering OK: As a new member and also a novice at the given subject "Gold Detecting" The question is whilst I have never been involved in the subject matter I will require a detector:
My thoughts are whilst I am a total beginner I believe purchasing an el-cheapo detector as a starting point would be a waste of money, should I look at something around the $500 to $800 mark, even if all goes wrong looking at what second hand units go for one may as well purchase new at the start, this now raisers the next question What machine???.
Looking through your forum pages I note the Minelab X-Terra 705 Dual pack seems to rate quite high, but having said this I am wide open to suggestions.
A point of interest that may have a bearing on machine type could be my location and where I would be looking at most, I am located in the Albury area and would not be using it around to many beaches?
Any suggestions would be appreciated
Hi all, New at this, but lets see if I am entering OK: As a new member and also a novice at the given subject "Gold Detecting" The question is whilst I have never been involved in the subject matter I will require a detector:
My thoughts are whilst I am a total beginner I believe purchasing an el-cheapo detector as a starting point would be a waste of money, should I look at something around the $500 to $800 mark, even if all goes wrong looking at what second hand units go for one may as well purchase new at the start, this now raisers the next question What machine???.
Looking through your forum pages I note the Minelab X-Terra 705 Dual pack seems to rate quite high, but having said this I am wide open to suggestions.
A point of interest that may have a bearing on machine type could be my location and where I would be looking at most, I am located in the Albury area and would not be using it around to many beaches?
Any suggestions would be appreciated