Next1m8 said:Anytime mate, I'll make myself available.
Ok mate, I'll be in contact as soon as I'm available.
Cheers Steve
Next1m8 said:Anytime mate, I'll make myself available.
gedanate said:Carrying a candle could be interesting if you hit a pocket of methane....![]()
Hi Steve, thanks for your comments. Makes me eager to get back out exploring again. Still have to fully explore the second level. Did not realise how easy it was to climb up there.stoyve said:dean65 said:stoyve said:Gday Dean,
I bet the boys enjoyed the two level mine there in Beringa,
Did you show them where the rock face above the back filled drive has "Robert Dodds died here" carved in the rock?
Cheers Steve![]()
Yes the boys enjoyed seeing that mine. Even managed to climb into the upper level myself. Turned out to be much easier than it looked. Not explored the top part fully and hope to get back at some stage. We saw the carving about Robert Dodds. Cheers Dean.
Gday Dean,
I'm glad you went into the upper level of that mine.
At the very end of that upper level there is a stope that goes goes up about another 4 or 5 metres, it's been back filled from above and I believe that's another level that's Ben closed off.
And yes I have climbed up as high as you can go.
Also I'm pretty sure there is a false floor on that second level as well.
On another subject, I was at "The Kitchen" last week and was pleased to see my ladder was still there , I did some further exploration in the upper level and found 3 more square cut tunnels and 5 shafts dropping into a tunnel below.
The last shaft had 3 tunnels running off it but I couldn't explore further due to the fact that I was buy myself in that section.
When I can go back with a couple of others I will then see where they lead to.
keep safe and cheers![]()
Fearfull Damo said:Hi Stoyve I'm new to the forum and not real sure how to reply and like stuff.We found your ladder on a recent trip with dean65 to the Devils kitchen I also went to the end of the upper level and notice a lot of recent rockfalls from the backs that were not their last time I was their about 6 months ago. Their is a lot of slabbing occurring in the main big chamber and also in the second level. I have come to the opinion that it has become to dangerous to explore especially the second level near where their is a short drive and another directly above it. The more open a cavity is the more chance of failure and that mine has some massive cavities. Just thought I would let you know it's only my opinion stay safe.![]()
jethro said:Hey there dean interesting pics as always. I have a question. In the third frame down is that a wacking great quartz reef running up from right to left at a shallow angle? Was this a hard rock quartz mine or a deep lead under basalt mine?
My bad,that was 2 questions wasn't it
jethro said:Hey Dean, Good pics as always. Regarding DEPI filling in old mines I hear what you're saying. They always go for the cheapest option that doesn't need ongoing maintenance. not the departments fault really as they operate on very limited funds especially for mining related relics.
So years ago, after the mamoth fires we had up in N,east vic. I was told about some old mining relics that had been uncovered. Myself & another member of our prospecting club went up for a look and were a amazed at how complete the recovery plant was. We organised a field trip for the while group toI have a look but in the fortnight that elapsed the site was well and truely pilfered. I got in contact with DEPI or what ever they were called back then and asked them if the whole site could be preserved but they said they would have there archiologist survey it and leave it for the bush to reclaim. Anyway I managed to convince them that the battery atleast should be recovered and set up in the Mitta Mitta mining heritage park. And so it was. The battery was lifted onto a trailer and then transferred onto another trailer and it was restored at my place and eventually erected in the park beside the river at Mitta Mitta.