Well I grew up in creswick, I've never really thought into it too much up until recently so never really searched for the "good ones", been in two out creswick. The one around St Georges lake, and one that's now been caved in by God knows who, neither went very far in and had some tight squeezes to get In. I've explored every accessible one I've found @ Black hill, without any climbing gear It made it impossible to get into the deep shaft, but I went in no hesitation too all others had to use my geologist pick to use on the right hand upper level near all the prickles past the fence as my boots wouldn't grip. Always took safety as a key but know I dnt know everything (if much at all). I have some equipment being - hard hat & long lasting LED headlamp that's rechargeable my boots (getting new ones soon), two geologist picks one small one from howit street e e day & sons - I find useless as it's not tempered steel nor is it rust resistant, and I've got a much bigger miners/detecting pick that's tempered and rust resistant. I am currently undertaking my commercial pilots license and well there really confined in the small aircraft I know it's different but I know anything could happen up there and I can't just get out like its a car and I consider underground to be in similar regard tight spaces and if something goes wrong I can't just get out like that I'm not claustrophobic. I am a good listener and never take anything for granted. I consider myself extreamly trustworthy as I dnt make habits of letting people down nor abusing there trust, I also think that looking after those who would do the same for you is paramount. We all have families and love ones to get back too so I'd always treat yours and Dean's saftey as I would my own son. I'm 27y.o and have only had gold fever now for sadly a couple months in which time I've gotten 4 pans, I hate the turbo pans own 2

three sieves, two shovels, my high banker sluice & pump plus nmeros bits and bobs and vials for my gold & gems ect
P.s sorry about the semi novel