Oh no ! Theres more

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Smoky bandit said:
I can deal with the new ones but wtf is this. :awful: or this :argh:
And this seems really out of place :koala:

Looks like your looking for a hug :koala: but really I don't know it's GMF.
:clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap: :clap:
;) ;)
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Oh I think I get it now
This is how I look :awful: When pushing out one of these :poop:
After eating too much :cake: and drinking too much :coffee:
And when I do this :power: my wife does this :inlove:
Then time for a :zzz: because I have to get up before the :sunny: To go :pickshovel: and hopefully find some :goldnugget: in my :goldpan: But will have to get home before the :cloudy: Dont want to end up :skull: From a lightning strike .Or run over a :koala: crossing the road.
Didnt find any :goldnugget: so will have to pick up some :flowers: and a :present: So I can get more of this :inlove: {) and not some of this :fistpump: Hard day today so a few of these :beer: :beer: and one more :poop: Then of to bed for a :zzz: Jezz I'm on :fire:
Looks great now smokey, but how much sense will it make when the icons get changed again in the future at some time..... or if they all dissappeared and it ende up looking like this :eek:

Smoky bandit said:
Oh I think I get it now
This is how I look :8 When pushing out one of these :gemstone:
After eating too much :fire: : and drinking too much :beer:
And when I do this my wife does this :eek:
Then time for a :bomb: because I have to get up before the :koala: To go :argh: and hopefully find some :poop: in my :coffee: But will have to get home before the O:) Dont want to end up :playful: From a lightning strike .Or run over a :poop: crossing the road.
Didnt find any :poop: so will have to pick up some :idea: and a :beer: So I can get more of this :poop: :goldpan: and not some of this :present: :fistpump: Hard day today so a few of these :power: :power: and one more Then of to bed for a :cake: Jezz I'm on :rainbow:
silver said:
Looks great now smokey, but how much sense will it make when the icons get changed again in the future at some time..... or if they all dissappeared and it ende up looking like this :eek:

Smoky bandit said:
Oh I think I get it now
This is how I look :8 When pushing out one of these :gemstone:
After eating too much :fire: : and drinking too much :beer:
And when I do this my wife does this :eek:
Then time for a :bomb: because I have to get up before the :koala: To go :argh: and hopefully find some :poop: in my :coffee: But will have to get home before the O:) Dont want to end up :playful: From a lightning strike .Or run over a :poop: crossing the road.
Didnt find any :poop: so will have to pick up some :idea: and a :beer: So I can get more of this :poop: :goldpan: and not some of this :present: :fistpump: Hard day today so a few of these :power: :power: and one more Then of to bed for a :cake: Jezz I'm on :rainbow:
:playful: :D :clap: