Oallen Forde - The Good, The Bad and the "Really UGLY"

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I estimate only 3 times out of 10 i need to take other peoples rubbish home with me , usually its only a half bucket i pick up but i saw that pile at oallen 3 weeks ago and couldnt believe it

How about we email that picture to the palerang council and ask them where the nearest tip is ?

Explain its not our rubbish , that we are hobbyist prospectors who have been going there for outings for decades and members of our fossicking club be going there to do a group clean up .

we will probably get 2 trailer loads at a guess

who knows it might trigger their memory about my letter asking for public toilets and showers to be built there ( which i didnt get an answer to )
Look i mean i have much respect for the people that do the right thing. But the people who dont, run off the understanding that it's just a few cans, sheell be right, i threw it in the fireplace. Thats bullshit
I surf fish and let me tell you that some members of that fraternity are pigs as well. I taught my boy to leave only his footprints on the sand but sadly we always leave the beach carrying more than what we we carried on.

charlie123 said:
Look i mean i have much respect for the people that do the right thing. But the people who dont, run off the understanding that it's just a few cans, sheell be right, i threw it in the fireplace. Thats bullshit

a pile like that would have to be at least 8 people for 3 - 4 days , maybe up to a week.

I once saw something worse though

Last winter there was half a dozen "geniuses" on the cans all night until they got drunk enough to start shooting a 22 riffle over the gravel bar where about 5 families were camped.
Unfortunately this sort of thing goes on everywhere. Any place you get groups of people, or just out of public sight bam, rubbish. Its been a hot topic of late on the forums. The upside is we all seem to be doing a pretty decent job of pitching in and making good. It does make me wonder though at times, I'll bet if you took that load straight to the offender and dumped it in their front yard there would be outrage on their behalf. Its really not that hard to do the right thing, it doesn't take any extra effort to dump it on the ground as it does to put it in a garbage bag and finally a bin (on or off site). And yet when the access is gone for the enthusiast it won't be the the guys that cares fault, but they will be penalised equally. Dob a Yob if you get the chance.
I was told a story of a guy that brought a candy bar to a tribal bunch out in the deep forest
I will take friday off
Take my ute and trailer down and do a few loads.
Anyone know of a tipping point?

Please pm me if anyone else is interested
Maybe the forum could hold a raffle and the takings go towards paying for a few bins to be put around some of the sites surely the local ranger or council members can empty them once a week, I might even leave a large Otto bit at the next place I visit but it would be pointless if it won't get emptied
I can certainly sympathise. I far too often see this same sort of thing happening at the Eldorado \ Beechworth area. I've always been very particular at keeping a clean campsite and digsite.

Normally if there is a few cans or beer bottle lids or rubbish I'll pick it up and take it home with my rubbish, but Easter 2013 we had some rather average people make a huge mess of a camp site we frequent, broken camp table, old car seat, snapped branches on trees and literally dozens of bottles and food packing strewn all over the place I decided to get Parks involved.

The best we can hope for is that there are more of us people doing the right thing than there are of the people who could care less about the environment and protecting our hobby.

Sad topic but I'm afraid all too common.

I like backcreek's idea (post 15), but I'm not a great organiser.
Happy to do a cleanup, do you think it is possible that the council supply a skip or permit free dumping at the tip?
The good publicity can only be in our favor.
Mods, could this be done under the PA banner?

Went to the Forde on Sunday to drop off a Walbanker and show a fellow member from the Tilba region of the South Coast some pointers in tracing a gold line in a river.

this is something i need to learn :|
Hats of to you folks - well done.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.
I was there overnight and always leave with what I brought with me including number twos. The place is disgusting and used as a garbage dump. It is not just campers or daytime visitors although there is ample evidence left behind by same. Illegal dumpers also frequent the area all over the crown land area.
It will take more than just one trailer to clean all of it up.
All my rubbish came out with me.
These people do not understand a bin, they do not know what this thing does, they simply throw rubbish around, mother nature will take care of that small can,. nappie, matress, burnt car, then at night they have a fire burning and then they throw alot of it in the fire, thus pollutting the air. What have people become. jesus

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