Nightly Post

Prospecting Australia

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Apr 20, 2013
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Central Vic'ish, VIC
Nightly post of some of the richest areas in the day,cant post them all so these are the richest ones i could find for that year.......hope it helps with your searches :eek:
Dunolly: Alluvial mining, nugget weighing 73oz was had at "Old Lead" (no ref to depth)
nugget weighing 30oz was had at "Burnt Creek" (no ref to depth)
"The Swiss Republic Company" taken up claim on Old Hard Hill at Burnt Creek and driven a tunnel into the hill (no ref to depth)
Shafts/Crushings, "United Kingdom Reef" A crushing of 40 tons gave a return of 21ozs/5dwts
"Advance Bealiba Reef" 1,1/2-2ozs to the ton
"Slatey Reef-White & Co" 1oz/15dwt per ton
Information from MR.W.G.Couchman,Mining Surveyor and Registar JUNE 1872
No reports that year on shallow workings and leads 1872
.................. 8)
dwt said:
Nightly post of some of the richest areas in the day,cant post them all so these are the richest ones i could find for that year.......hope it helps with your searches :eek:
Dunolly: Alluvial mining, nugget weighing 73oz was had at "Old Lead" (no ref to depth)
nugget weighing 30oz was had at "Burnt Creek" (no ref to depth)
"The Swiss Republic Company" taken up claim on Old Hard Hill at Burnt Creek and driven a tunnel into the hill (no ref to depth)
Shafts/Crushings, "United Kingdom Reef" A crushing of 40 tons gave a return of 21ozs/5dwts
"Advance Bealiba Reef" 1,1/2-2ozs to the ton
"Slatey Reef-White & Co" 1oz/15dwt per ton
Information from MR.W.G.Couchman,Mining Surveyor and Registar JUNE 1872
No reports that year on shallow workings and leads 1872
.................. 8)

ps the information gatherd is from reports that have "NO" copyright laws or attachments.....thought i'd chuck that in to be on the safe side....
I have picked a place i havnt even heard of for tonight and chose large Nuggets(ALLUVIAL) (not the biggest) but big enough......

Kangderaar: Tylers Diggings,Berlin> Nugget 200oz 15dwt (no ref to depth) 1869
Catto's Paddock Berlin > Nugget 216oz 12 feet 1871
Tylers Rush,Berlin> Nugget 212oz 9 feet 1870
John's Paddock Allt No 12> Nugget 180oz 9 feet 1868
John's Paddock Berlin> Nugget 179oz 2 feet 1872
Catto's Paddock Berlin> Nugget 1,717oz 12 feet 1871
John's Paddock Allt No 12> Nugget 1,114oz 8 feet 1870
Information gatherd from Publications 1872 OoM R,Brough Smyth (no copyrights or attachments)
.......................cheers..... 8)
Mining Districts: Ballarat M/D Central Division.
Parade Extended/Princess St 1oz 3dwt 9.95gr p/t 200-300feet
Black Hill Sth Tribute/Humffray St 1oz 15dwt 20.44gr p/t 200feet
Southern Division
Speedwell/Staffordshire Reef 0oz 1dwt 6.42gr p/t 140feet
Steiglitz Subdivision
London/Copenhagen Reef 2oz 1dwt 8.37gr p/t (no ref to depth)
Dove & Company/Elaine 4oz 11dwt 1.03gr p/t (no ref to depth)

OoM Melbourne 20th July 1874

No Copyrightes or Attachments 8)
dwt said:
I have picked a place i havnt even heard of for tonight and chose large Nuggets(ALLUVIAL) (not the biggest) but big enough......

Kangderaar: Tylers Diggings,Berlin> Nugget 200oz 15dwt (no ref to depth) 1869
Catto's Paddock Berlin > Nugget 216oz 12 feet 1871
Tylers Rush,Berlin> Nugget 212oz 9 feet 1870
John's Paddock Allt No 12> Nugget 180oz 9 feet 1868
John's Paddock Berlin> Nugget 179oz 2 feet 1872
Catto's Paddock Berlin> Nugget 1,717oz 12 feet 1871
John's Paddock Allt No 12> Nugget 1,114oz 8 feet 1870
Information gatherd from Publications 1872 OoM R,Brough Smyth (no copyrights or attachments)
.......................cheers..... 8)

Those depth references indicate the nuggets came from shallow lead mining - I'd say MINELAB should have this as their ultimate marker - and we have a lot to look forward to :D :D :D

I could be wrong but I think that most of these locations are on private land. Also I did see the paddocks being pushed in the early nineties.
regards deepblue
deepblue said:
I could be wrong but I think that most of these locations are on private land. Also I did see the paddocks being pushed in the early nineties.
regards deepblue
I had a quick squiz on google earth just to work out where this place was and noticed a creek of the same name,guessing that might be it,cant be totally sure but according to google earth if you find Bealiba-Rheola rd its goes right accross the top of Kangderaar creek,and is just below Kooyoora State park could be worth a look........... 8)
Mineral Statistics 1879 (victoria)
1874 1875 1876 1877 1878
Exported,by the Hon.the Commissioner of trade and customs: 904,154oz 709,934 506,345 508,693 346,259
Recieved at Royal Mint Melbourne : 251,817oz 385,852 427,878 290,919 422,609
Raised, according to Mining registrars : 1,097,644oz 1,068,418 963,760 809,653 758,040
Purchased,according to returns,banks and others : 1,105,115oz 1,077,276 949,468 790,147 772,302

The estimated yield of gold from Alluvial mines since the year 1867 to year ending 1873,as prepared by the Mining Registars.
1868 1,087,502
1869 934,082
1870 718,729
1871 698,190
1872 639,551
1873 504,250

All amounts in ozs only

Information gatherd Mineral Statistics of Victoria 1879
Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellencys Command

(no Copyrights or Attachments)............ 8)
The Blackwood-Gold Field
Dead Horse Gully, Blackwood: In this gully, about a mile and a half South-Easterly from Blackwood,a number of nuggets and coarse gold have been obtained, the largest mass of gold weighing 28lbs.

As Byrne's reef runs parallel with the gully, and outcrops on a steep hillside, it is possible that this nugget may have been derived from this reef.When the country was higher, the creek may have flowed near the reef,and as it eroded its 50 or 100 feet deeper, it may have worked over to the east, taking the nuggets with it,as the course would be over falling ground.
The Alluvial deposits at Blackwood are mostly shallow. They do not pass under basalt, as there is none in the vicinty, but formely it is probable that basalt coverd some of the district.

Near the state school, on the continuation of the Morning Star belt of reefs, in a gully running into the Lerderderg in the township of Blackwood, Bryers and party are working an alluvial mine. The gravel is cemented,and it, and about one foot of the bedrock (Ordovician slates and sandstones) are broken out, and put through the battery,thus saving all the gold.
Mr. M. Croker,Mining Registrar at Blackwood, presented the Department with an instructive specimen,in which Alluvial gold is shown cemented to the sandstone bedrock........ 8)

Mr.M J Crocker, Mining Registrar, Blackwood 1869
no copyrights or attachments

The following are yields and dividens obtained from principal mines (Alluvial)

Port Phillip Company, Clunes...................................................................121 16 12
Australasian Gold Mining Company, Red Streak.........................................787 18 0
New Hit-or-Miss Company, Red Streak.....................................................29 14 0
Cameron's Freehold Gold Mining Company, Spring Hill.............................4,291 3 0
De Murska Company, Springhill............................................................1,176 17 0
Kingston Park Company, Springhill.......................................................1,100 10 0
Dyke's Freehold Company, Springhill....................................................1,086 2 0
Ryans Junction Company, Springhill........................................................997 4 0
Bunyan Freehold Company, Springhill.....................................................528 0 0
Ryries Freehold Company, Springhill.......................................................168 7 0

No copyrights or Attachments

See if i can attach an old map.... 8)

hi all cannot make a post tonight, the mrs is flying in from the states in the morning, so its a shave all over and a bath in much information.....are well your all friends, its not as if this is on the world wide web or something....... :|
.......................DONNELLY'S CREEK DIVISION.............................
The striking of a new shoot of rich stone by the Hit or Miss Company in the Bismarck ground has improved the prospects of the company.
The Bismarck United G.M.Company, continuing lower tunnel on course of reef.
A small parcel obtaind from a winze in the upper tunnel, and from the shoot lately cut by the Hit or Miss Company, will be crushed in a few days.
The Gipsland Consols....-This company have had 3 crushings during the quater; 559 tons yielded for 370ozs 3dwts.
The Florence G.M.Company have had a crushing 110tons, yielding 65ozs.
The Stratford and Avon has again been taken up by Mr. J. Rice, and another lease applied for.
The Sterling Q.M.Company continue to drive thier tunnel on the course of the reef; they are now at 1,020 feet.
Mr. O.P.. Whitelaw, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 1877

No copyrights or attachments 8)


..................................The Lost Gully................................................

This post is for the Whipstick hunters,looking at a modern Victorian topo map under "Epsom-7724-1-3 zone 55" section 59 41,.............55oooe, we can see "Scotchmans Gully" and moving slightly down we can see "Apple Tree Gully" but nothing in between, the missing gully is "Brandy Gully" it is situated ( according to Sandhurst Gold Field map 1873) in betweenn Scotchmans and Apple Tree gullies.....Brandy Gully produced some vey large nuggets 194ozs 68ozs, these were found no deeper than 3" below the surfce...40ozs @ 5 feet.................... 8)


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