I was using a VLF out in the whipstick and it just wouldn't shut up, it done my absolute head in haha4x4life said:No i don't mate maybe i should. I was using the monster near bendigo full maunal full sensitivity it went off everywhere lol but i guess if i went over gold ill know about it...maybe next time ill put it gold mode insted of all metal
clint3 said:Couple of hours with the monster 32 bitshttps://www.prospectingaustralia.com/forum/img/member-images/10274/1571030721_img_20191013_2012202.jpg
Go the monster ?clint3 said:18 bits with the monster today biggest .22ghttps://www.prospectingaustralia.com/forum/img/member-images/10274/1571568820_img_20191020_214753.jpg