When I see something like this, bent up like plasticine, it immediately says MOLTEN. My first reaction is that its a TEKTITE. There are two theories on Tektites - 1. They are formed when a meteor smashes into the earth with great heat and force the surrounding rocks etc to shoot up into the air and slow down near the edge of space at which point they drop back to earth - not to the impact site but further along. As you know, the planet is turning at 1,000 mph at the equator so while the affected rocks are travelling up then down, the planet has moved on. (I learnt at school that the Equator is 24,000 miles in length, and Speed = Distance divided by Time so the Earth is turning at 1,000mph(24,000 divided by 24) This is why I'm using mph and not kph - its easier to understand!) That's the first and popular theory.
The second theory is that the they are formed on the MOON - Yes, the MOON!
Meteors are belting into the MOON all the time and because they don't have a thick atmosphere to slow them down they form sometimes, huge craters. The rocks
blown out by the the explosions head out in all directions but interestingly they are not found all over world and the ones that hit Australia are only found in specific areas. It would seem that they are found below the flight pattern of the MOON as it orbits the Earth.
The main proponents of this theory are a group of NASA scientists. GOOGLE -" Tektites Lunar Origin -NASA Scientists " and you'll get all the detail. There are a lot of arguments around the scientific community for and against.
Me - I'm all for the MOON as the origin of your specimen. How many people have a rock specimen from the MOON?!!!