Yes, the truth is often as strange as fiction, and more fascinating for being real.
I find that a lot of people don't realise that none of the original dinosaur is present - that all meat, organs, bones have gone, and that what we look at now is inorganic (rock-forming) precipitate that deposits in the cavities left when the original organic material is gone (almost always by a hundred thousand years or so - sort of filling a mold to make a cast. Just thought I would mention it - that is why "re-creating" extinct animals from their DNA is limited to things like mammoths and Tasmanian tigers. The probablity of "meat" and "organs' as in this fake dinosaur report is always a clue to a fake report - they are usually gone within a hundred or so years because DNA breaks down with time (except where snap-frozen in permafrost where mammoths can stay around for tens of thousands of years until disinterred). I have seen 10,000 year old mammoth thigh meat in northern Siberia, preserved in formaldehyde (my photo).
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One of the most spectacular skeletons I have seen was an amphibious dinosaur at White Cliifs completely replaced by precious opal (all the vertebrae etc), another at Lightning Ridge, another at Adelaide Museum.