7.62, Sometimes a Diazepam helps my Missus... Yes some of these Drugs can be quite additive, That's why I keep a very close eye on my Missus and her intake of these, and very close Supervision by Our Health Team.... After All, I am her full-time Carer...... Like all things in Life... In Moderation...
Sometimes We Humans need something to ease the Pain and I Commend those who chose NOT to take some heavy Drugs... But my Missus wouldn't be here with-out them... If you knew my Story you would understand WHY she takes them...
Another Story for another Day.. :Y:
Sometimes We Humans need something to ease the Pain and I Commend those who chose NOT to take some heavy Drugs... But my Missus wouldn't be here with-out them... If you knew my Story you would understand WHY she takes them...
Another Story for another Day.. :Y: