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Was wondering if there is many/any NAPFA members on the forum.

Just my opinion but I am & think its a worthwhile cause for all of us with an interest in this area. We need to have a united voice to ensure what little rights we have remain or get improved.

What do ya's think?
My opinion is Very divided ,,,On one hand good idea ,,Someone to speak for the general consensus of the majority of prospectors 1!!! ,,,,, on the other hand,,,There will be an Entrepreneur out there only too willing to look after us at a cost !!!! and Once committed to this system You will be at their mercy ,and the price of the looking after will therefore dictate who enjoys this hobby !!!!! Once A hobby becomes Political and money is involved trouble is not far away !!! Unions,, Fishing ,,, Hunting ect All have been LOOKED after Who ???????????

I was reading an article today about the US laws and how they have helped the corporations get bigger and more protection from the government while squeezing out the small blokes .. sounds familiar to what is happening in Australia.. Corporations get looked after, voters get shafted, Politics is self serving in my opinion and anyone who goes into it is looking for an easy ride, sure SOME of the "Independents" do SOMETHING SOMETIMES but bye and large they look after number one. and that is what do I have to do to retain my seat... I am weary of any formed body that claims to represent the members as it is usually the beginning of the end Rant off
Good comments TOT,,Certain public sector union is making the headlines 4 all the wrong reasons ,,credit cards ,,hookers ect money donated By ordinary people to some one who supposedly would look after their interests , Tax payed to governments who grant themselves 50k pay rises ,,The list Goes ON ...Licience for this,, licience for that ,,, a fee and WE'll look after You ,,Is'nt that the Mafia way of LOOKING after things ,,The catch Cry from the looker afterers is IT will become ILLEAGLE if You don't Pay....

Break IT Down ILLEAGLE ILL EAGLE,,,,,,,,, SICK BIRD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Land Rover said:
Once A hobby becomes Political and money is involved trouble is not far away !!! L/R

Money and politics are a part of everything these days. Don't matter if your a dog owner, smoker, fisher, shooter, belly dancer etc. etc. etc. someone is out to make a buck out of you & it all becomes political at some point.
As unfortunate as it is politics is a part of life & if we want to maintain what we do then I beleive we need to have some voice.

It just annoys me how land that has or could have been available for prospecting/fossicking is gradually dissappearing or gone. In my area alone I know of:
2 x State Forests now National Park & State Conservation Area - no fossicking now.
A former historical mining area handed to the local Enviro's for a nature reserve. Ask them for permission to fossick there - they need a good laugh.
A fossicking area closed & handed to NPWS.
I have also read a submission written by local Enviro's to get control over TSR's that may be handed back to crown lands by the LHPA due to cost cutting.
This is just in a relatively small area so it would be unbelievable what is dissappearing, already gone or being eyeballed by the Greens statewide or even Nationally.
My opinion is this happens because we have had no collective or organised voice in the past. The Greens on the other hand are very organised & have the ear of the political majors.

I can see both your points but I will stand by NAPFA as I think they will hopefully do some good.

United we stand - divided we fall. :)
Iam a member of NAPFA and am happy to support them.
I have not been prospecting long but was astounded at how unclear the laws are in NSW when I first started. Also it seemed we had almost no rights in regards to our hobby and no one willing to stand up and try despite a lot of "talking" going on (this is my point of view only).
I know a few of the members from online forums who helped start NAPFA. It was started mainly due to a speech from Robert Brown who had been approached to try and help prospectors as we had similar problems to the shooters/fishers. In his speech he basicly said that we needed a "body" to represent us as that would have more power in the political stadium (as the greens have proven) and make the politicians pay more attention that a hand full of people here and there harassing them about our concerns.
Shortly after a group of prospectors got togeather and formed NAPFA.
I think its a step in the right direction as VIC and WA have both proven I think with their PMAV and APLA.
Good News! :)

Last Thursday (6 March) the NSW Parliament released tabled its Committee Inquiry report on Tourism in local communities.

NAPFA, along with other individual fossickers, made submissions to this inquiry which highlighted the potential of fossicking tourism and our problems with access. We also attended public hearings.

The good news for all fossickers in NSW is in the recommendations:

Recommendation 17
That the NSW Government investigate further opportunities for tourism development in national parks including accommodation, camping, mountain bike trails and fossicking. :)

Recommendation 19
That the NSW Government investigate opportunities for fossicking in national parks, a single access fee for state forests and linking information for fossicking activities on the Destination NSW website. :)

The report is available on along with submissions, transcripts of evidence and other documents associated with the Inquiry.

For details on the fossicking content go to page 106 to 109 in Chapter 6.

The report and its 25 recommendations are now with the Government for consideration. The Government is required to respond to the recommendations within six months.

NAPFA will offer any support requested to the Government while it considers these recommendations.

There is no guarantee that we will get access to any of these national park areas, however we have stated our case and it has been at least noticed.

The single licence for State Forests is already in the pipeline and its release is imminent, so we can consider that one done.

You can support NAPFA by joining if you have not already.

There is a good membership promo on at the moment, and we need all the members we can muster.


Excellent, I assume that means SCA will be available again? The likes of Copeland and Dalmorton?
Ben --

I hope so.

The report is mainly about "National Parks" but in the broad sense this would also refer to SCA's -- which were covered in our submission and in the report itself. Time will tell although I think with such a recommendation it would make it more likely to get into SCAs..

There will be a draft Plan of Management for Copeland released soon (it has been promised for almost a year and NAPFA has been pushing all the way. NAPFA will put in a submission and encourage other individual members to do the same. They need to hear from a range of people. We met with senior NPWS staff there in late January for an onsite inspection and discussion.

I will let everyone know when the draft POM comes out.


Good to see some people very active and getting positive results (so far) I wish the WA Govt would open up some of the National Parks here for recreational fossicking/prospecting.

Well done.
well done on getting them to listen I will not hold my breath on them doing any thing I have experience dealing with the state government and it is not positive so far hope for the best :)