My treasures with the AT Pro for 2016

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Mar 9, 2015
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Research is a necessity. Recently my brother and i came across a book with an old map in it, roughly 1860's. It took some time, but i converted the "places of interest" onto a current map. Some roads were named differently, others moved, ect. Of interest to me firstly was an old church, as it was on accessible land. Major tick. Other places were an old cheese factory, shepherds hut, railway cottages, pound, houses, shearing sheds ect.
So armed with map and gear, we asked Goldpick if he wanted to come, yes, so off we went to find our spot. The only giveaway was the fruit tree. We knew we found it as targets were everywhere, even sighted broken old bottles. The map proved to be pretty spot on.
When GP pulled the first coin, an 1880 penny, it was on. My finds included 5 belt buckles (how did they keep their pants up) lots harmonica reeds, a stirrup, half a cow bell, lots of chunks of lead, rivetts, lantern parts, watch parts, watch casing, and other junk. My good finds i will post soon.
Thanks for sharing the location Sheryl. Old sites and relevant information are becoming a lot harder to locate without a good dose of research, and in this case it certainly paid off. It didn't appear to have been thrashed by others, as most tend to target obvious ruins, but you never know till you put the detector to the soil.

Looking forward to your pics. ;)
You should do well Sheryl,...adventure with rewards is always good. :D
Great hunt :cool: I love old sites but can't understand the volume of harmonica reeds, they must have kept them in their back pockets and sat on them, then thrown them at the nearest tree so they smashed in a hundred pieces. :rolleyes: seem to find them around trees for some reason.

Keen to see that cow bell, I might have found the other side.
My best finds with the AT Pro at the old church site were 2 half pennies 1890 189?, 2 dog tags, and the peace medal 1899-1900. I did the happy dance when the medal came out of the ground! Apparently they were given to school aged children here in Sth Aust to celebrate peace ftom the war in Sth Africa. Thats my first war medal, and now have a total of 3 dog tags. The half pennies are my oldest pennies to date, that are recognizable anyhow as i have lots that are badly corroded. One day i will have to clean them up. The other pic is the stirrup i found, plus i think its half a cow bell. I have done 4 trips to the church now, onto my next secret location. Stay tuned.
Yay, pictures at last! Some very tasty finds there Sheryl especially that South Australian 1900 Boer War Peace medal, cracker of a find. :eek:

The silver locket cleaned up very well, did you manage to get any hallmarks off it? :)
Jaros said:
Sheryl, you are going very well. Keep it a secret though. Are you using the SDC or the Exterra mostly??
Jaros :p

Jaros, i am using my Garret AT Pro with the small DD coil. Its fantastic at pinpointing, and only digging very small holes. I find the AT Pro discriminates the junk targets a lot better, i run it on Pro Zero all the time. I usually only dig targets in the 60 plus range. That way i miss the pull tabs, but probably miss the rings too. Ive still got the X-Terra 705, but am looking at selling it soon. Waiting for the cooler weather to hit the gold fields in Vic with the SDC. Plus waiting for some good rains to give my new Angus MacKirk a try.
The last 3 outings have been pretty slow, with only 1 dog tag 1890-91, and one coin. The signal i got on the AT Pro for the dogs head was a super clear crisp one. Not sure what it was attached to, anyone have any idea? The pattern on the braces buckle is still in good condition, am pretty stoked with it. Still finding a few odd buttons and buckles. I usually only dig targets in the 60 + range. The odd occasion i did dig a 50 it ended up being junk. Thanks to Goldpick for coming along and keeping me motivated.
Now packing the SDC for a trip to the Golden Triangle.

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