Before i start i will say this toyota is set up for prospecting and only prospecting i have another car for running around in
I use this one because it carries everything you need for 14 days in the field without going back to town and it has a bed down the center including a tv dvd player and 300 dvd for the wet rainy days
18 gal keg fire for the cold nights
Inverter 2000w pure sin wave behind the drivers seat
Solor Panel on the roof for charging second battery
And a 3kva for everything else (microwave toaster kettle coffee pod machine ) yes i do it bloody hard when i go out
There are two tool boxes above the rear wheels one holds all my recovery gear chains ropes tyre repair kit etc etc
The other one holds enough tools to strip the veh in the field and rebuild
What i am saying is if you get a troopy the you are restricted because you only have the rear door
Something like mine the set up is endless and very easy to get to everything
Towing a trailer or caravan is good however some places i go you would never get a caravan or trailer through or even back out
One place i had to do about a 20 point turn or reverse 2k back out up hill
What it comes down to it think what you need or want to take with you
before you buy lay out all the gear you want to carry then think how you would load it so it can be axcessed with out unloading half the veh
Sorry rather long winded (and bragging a bit as well )