Minelab PRO-SWING 45 Metal Detector Harness tips and questions

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I bought the harness and extra J strut as well as the chest plastic conector bit to equalise the load , AND NEVER HAD A PROBLEM, what in the hell are you people doing , have you got the J strusts wound out enough I don,t think so.
Sounds like the monkey see monkey do thread lol.
J Struts wound all the way out and they keep falling out. Will try the tape. Got the connector thing with the extra Strut. was a bit better but still not right. Still feel pulled forward = sore back or in my case aggravated worse.
Feral said:
J Struts wound all the way out and they keep falling out. Will try the tape. Got the connector thing with the extra Strut. was a bit better but still not right. Still feel pulled forward = sore back or in my case aggravated worse.

Try with the waist belt just above your hips shorten the J struts so they are not poking the harness more than 25mm at the top away from your body , the bloke in the vid has his about 80mm poking forward which adds to the leverage to make you bend forward giving you a sore back perhaps , also try different lengths on the detector shaft for the coil distance also helps .
I have 2 crushed vertebrae in my lower back from a motorcycle accident 10 years ago and this harness has helped me heaps it evenly spreads the weight with the extra cross bar and j struts, hope this helps you Feral.
Redfin said:
robmoto said:
Try with the waist belt just above your hips

Are you obviously height challenged.

No don,t think so 5 foot 11 inches . I also carry in the battery part a water bottle , I use a smaller battery attached to the detector box this may help counter leaver the weight somehow.
Saw that one too Rob. 170 cm tall, long legs, short torso and high hips. I look like a midget when in the work ute. Had to put a 1 inch of hard foam on the seat of my Prado to feel comfy :8
Saw a video today of Z set up, they had the bungie attached to the stem just above the coil?
A sure way to be more comfortable swinging. ( applies to all Minelab detectors)
Lay your machine on the ground, now move the bungie attachment on the stem until when you pick it up by the bungie cord the coil hangs slightly down off horizontal.
When hooked onto you harness and your arm not in arm rest the machine should hang as per last sentence.
Now with your arm in the rest but fingers only lightly gripping handle, standing upright in detecting stance, adjust tension on bungie until coil hovers just above ground with no help from you lifting or lowering.
***How many of you have removed your arm from the arm rest and accidentally let go and the box smashes into the ground with the coil up around your ears? Many, if it was set up in the video I viewed.***
Can't remember how far in/out the adjustment bolts are but I just whacked mine together and wouldn't use anything but. The only issue is I tore the stitching taking it off once, operator error nothing to do with the design.

I'm looking forward to the day I'm in the field and see one come apart, I find it hard to understand how they come apart :| At the end of the day it's all about comfort and what you're happy with, each to their own.