Rush said:
mbasko said:
although on larger nuggets the 5000 pulls away with similar size coil
Based on actual use or what somebody thinks?
5000 with larger coil yes.
GPX11 v 11" mono on 5000 - doubtful from what I've seen.
That ML performance STAR chart appears to confirm what you say and seen in regards to the 6000's 11" coil v 11" mono with the 5000 on nuggets displayed in the chart,0.05g,0.1g,1g,10g and 100g so then a larger coil on the 5000, I guess, on nuggets 10g upwards.
JP probably sums it up best here: & here:
Explains it better & more technically than I could.
I 100% agree with him that the advantages of the GPX6000 over the 5000 (& even GPZ7000) are ergonomics + the smaller gold sensitivity.
JP states that the reality is that the GPX6000 follows the same performance curve as the 5000 when it comes to large gold at depth.
IMO until a larger coil (or coils) is available for the GPX6000 then a 4500/5000 will have a depth advantage once fitted with a coil over say 12-14" on larger targets.
Those with a GPX4500/5000 + SDC combo, or have a GPZ7000

ower: , will likely find the need for a GPX6000 redundant unless they want more scope in one machine to replace 2 (GPX/SDC combo) once larger coils become available or just want/need better ergonomics.
The fewer 6000's out there the better