Sorry, but got to say....hilarious! Typical marketing spin. Especially all gold, all sizes, bla bla bla - but we only see huge nuggets being pulled.
RE; Speaker position, I will call it now - it's pointing BACKWARDS, towards our back. Ears pick up sounds best from the front, have they learned nothing from the SDC?
I also read the official user manual, quite a few adjustments and set up procedures to go through. Also they have moved to the GPZ detecting frequencies, but that was never far off the 5000 anyway. That doesn't change anything though as it is still PI and the zed is still ZVT.
Yes, it certainly DOES have a lot going for it, and sounds like it could be a winner with it's geo ground sense, but you still have to set that to the right area/conditions to start with?
I only hope that in-field tests prove this to be a winner. It would be nice to see something new on the market assuming the performance is as they say, and a shame should it not.