I recently got a NF evo 14 x 9.
Ive only used it 3 times. 1st time it was super quiet, and I picked up bits of junk.
Gave it a real good go yesterday, a good 7 hours, it was a bit noisy yesterday, and I got quite a few false signals when I bumped the ground, or even hit spear grass with it.
Played around with a few different settings, turned the gain down a tad, and ground balanced after I got a lot of signals, it blanked out once over a star picket, and kept falseing for a few swings after I moved away from it, but as soon as I balanced it again, no worries. Its a good, light sensitive coil.
I picked up tiny bits of trash that sounded like coke cans, I mean tiny, hard to find even in your hand.