Sylar said:
thanks heaps, $275 is a grate price but i have come to learn that minelab will not repair a modded detector, if something were to go wrong in time to come it may be an issue getting it repaird. Im am still on the lookout for a gp3500 and have 8 months to find it
Ismael Jones repairs these if they need a repair. Ismael is an experienced technician.
In fact Ismael was once in the Navy who was a Weapons Electronic Engineer.
This is why I modded mine, Ismael will first test the unit. If its a lemon he will tell you otherwise he will mod it.
You then can switch on or off any of the mods.
2 people have already purchased a modded gp 3500 via ebay and they paid about $3300 each.
There are knockers out there for just about everything.
This all comes down to price. If my GP was to blow up and be a write off it won't worry me because I paid only $2100 for the unit
minus the 3 coils which are worth say $800.
If I was to hire a 5000 I am limited for time and 10 outings could cost me $800.
So the story here is to put everything into perspective. Its plain and simple. You buy a new machine depending on price you will lose
$250 to a $1000 plus once 12 months or so goes by and once a new model is introduced. I learnt this the hard way.
I would be more worried and concerned to out lay $6500 for a 5000 which is top dollar and as time goes by and new model
is introduced be prepared to lose $1500 - $2000. If your a pro this won't matter if your a weekend warrior and you go out 6 times a
year then its a different thing altogether.
Whether you mod or not is up to you because all I am doing is giving some feedback with my experience and its not my responsibility if
someone mods a machine and for some reason it does not work out. A 3500 un modded is still a good machine.
Just make sure you get a sound booster for it though.
Good luck on your search..