Is it a pair of giant glow worms. Terror alert!!!!
GoldCheddar2005 said:On that point of being safe in the tropics, being the reason I have not given my new prospecting spot a go yet until someone can confirm whether or not they are found up that far. It is possible considering the Bowen River has a major croc problem. Men in Army greens with Gnarly big teeth will not convince me to touch the gold. I like my limbs attached!
silver said:Very interesting now, lizards are extremely smart, and the bigger they are the bigger their brains are, I've seen a 3 inch stripey work out the patterns of egg carrying ants, run around a rock to a vantage point count the pattern again and snatch the yummy ant egg for whatever reason they do, but I suspect he was looking for the weary ant with a loose grip myself ,.... so, I wonder if the crock waits till he hears the truck coming before he scares the cows out in front of it ...... Mmmmmm yummy road kill on demand. 8)
Had a freshy swim past me up the cape i didnt see comin . S...t myselfyobskin said:Just having a giggle to myself....our southern brothers wouldnt know a croc if it jumped out of the creek and bit'em on the
Old Fred said:Prospected rivers up there in the 1970 s but most where shot out or small then . Ot a hell of a scare start of last year 275 k north of Mt Isa where a freshy swam past me ( 5 metres away ) from behind . Knew they where around but still made me jump .
Still do some prospecting far north qld but the crocks have got a lot bigger over the last 40 years .
More dangerouse now than 1970 when they where shooting them . They where shy of people back then cos of their guns . Not any more