Bucket lister ticked off today :Y:
Went to the laundry mat to put some washing in the dryer while on holidays today, 8$ a minute, 4$ put in so I had 32 minutes to spare.
Pulled up to a likely spot and after a coupple of BB's scored a Britannia 1907 penny in short time, in the right spot I thought.
Scored plenty more bb's then just before I was goind to leave to pick up the washing I got a cracking signal in the 30's
Out popped the coin, i could tell it was silver straight away from the dark black patina but this was about the size of a full penny, a little larger even. Didn't know what it was so flipped it over and could make out Victoria young bun head so I knew it was in the 1800's so I was rapt.
Swung my coil over the hole again and the 33 signal was still there and strong, picked up a sandy hand full and could feel another, this time I could make out 1898 and the words half crown. Back in with the pin pointer and it was going off, yep a 3rd half crown. Coin spill off all 1800's silvers and all half crowns

Searched the immediate area again after dropping the washing off to the rental house and scored 1908 threepence just inches away from the crowns, an 1899 shilling, coupple more Britannia Penny's, one very worn but from 1861 and a 1956 sixpence.
Also found my first snake buckle, another bucket lister for me.
Coupple of the coins are really worn but a couple should clean up ok, rapt with my day out and will take some beating.
Wont be home for a few weeks but I will post some cleaned up pictures later