looking for work

Prospecting Australia

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I would've thought Wollongong being Wollongong would've made for the pawn broker industry to be growing larger? I'm up this way at the moment and I went into town for a bit of a look around because it's been years and despite the new Central buildings going up, the place is littered with cash advance and loan places and just looks all around **** and worse than ever before. Wollongong reminds me of what happened to Detroit. The place use to look much better 30 years ago when I'd take the bus in there with my nanna on a Sunday, there's nothing but riff raff around the joint now it seems.
the pawnbroking industry is strong, very strong in wollongong and the company i work for was going well, just a behind the scene situation has forced the owners to make some large changes and unfortunately some redundancies too,
wollongong is alive and well with riff raf and the likes, i really dont like Wollongong but i wont leave cause my daughter who lives with her mum lives here to and i cant bring myself to move to far from her (my daughter that is, i get her on weekends)
Sorry to hear Jamie, sounds like they restaffed you with a cheaper kid
They'll regret it later on when they don't make a fortune out of cutting overheads and have ***** employees that don't do there job
If you've been in Pawn are you a hoarder like me, There's always a market for not made in china goods, new and vintage
It is a up and down market but could keep some cash flow while looking for work ;)
Sorry to hear this Jamie. Lots of good advice on here.

From my outdated knowledge of Newstart things - I suggest that you see Centrelink and apply for Newstart and Rent Assistance etc as soon as you can and see what else they can offer in terms of job finding assistance (probably not much with newly unemployed people I suspect).

If you are active and see opportunities go and approach them. This could be more successful than a lot of people realise (I think Maltisau is spot on) and could be more chance of liking the job too.

Would you approach other pawnbrokers in the area - even if to get a foot back in to help tide you over till another job?

All the best.

i have gone down and spoke with a guy i know in a competing pawnbroker store to see if they have any work, he said he is going to find out, i am dropping my resume in there monday, so could be a chance even if i just use it as a stepping stone till i get what i want.
All ready have been ringing a few job ads to see if there is a chance of a foot in the door position as a farm hand, not much luck there so far, all bar one of them want a few years experience, the one that said i may have had a shot is going away and needs someone that knows what to do with cattle from the get go, but he said he will keep me in mind.
if i do end up without work i am going to find a farm around here and volunteer a few days per week just for some experience, even if they cant keep me on it will be experience none the less and maybe a good reference
centrelink will be the next port of call, but again hoping not to have to get payments, aim is to slip into work asap
Old frank who owned Franks Auto Wreckers was one of my best inspirations.
His favorite thing he always told me,
"Be determined. It does not matter on what you want. Just be determined. "
He told me yet again after paying a motza to get a bloke over from the States
for an inspirational meeting.
He told a few of us it was a waste of money doing it. LOL
As for those who do not know him, He passed away about 30 years ago with a small empire
of Auto Wrecking Yards that made him a very good honest living.
No matter on how long it was before I would see him, He would always greet me by first name
and was always in for a yarn.
That is where I got one of my known qualities from. :lol:

jamie said:
i have gone down and spoke with a guy i know in a competing pawnbroker store to see if they have any work, he said he is going to find out, i am dropping my resume in there monday, so could be a chance even if i just use it as a stepping stone till i get what i want.
All ready have been ringing a few job ads to see if there is a chance of a foot in the door position as a farm hand, not much luck there so far, all bar one of them want a few years experience, the one that said i may have had a shot is going away and needs someone that knows what to do with cattle from the get go, but he said he will keep me in mind.
if i do end up without work i am going to find a farm around here and volunteer a few days per week just for some experience, even if they cant keep me on it will be experience none the less and maybe a good reference
centrelink will be the next port of call, but again hoping not to have to get payments, aim is to slip into work asap
I know how you feel...
I am in the same boat been with this company for 7 years...
I will be redundant in about 3 or 4 weeks...
I should be worried am I no bloody way... Though I should be.....
I am going to throw the swag some tucker and a couple of blocks of beer in the truck
along with the detectors and drive for 7 or 8 hours and go for a well earned walk with the beeping stick...
The world can go get stuffed I am having some ME time....
After a couple of weeks or so I will start looking ...
Remember one door closes another door opens....
All will be well do not worry or stress...

Cheers Nanjim
Jim mate sorry to hear it but you sound like you have a plan and I have found comfort in the thought of a week or two of prospecting holiday down somewhere in the GT and if you are down that way at the same time, my beer will be cold the camp fire will be warm and your company is more than welcome mate
Thanks for the offer of a coldie...
I am on the other side of the paddock
though if I do cross the paddock the whole mob on this site will know
That a paddock crossing is on ..lol

Cheers Nanjim
Would you try disability support work? There is alot of work already, and more as the NDIS rolls out.
Great to hear you have secured some work Jamie.As much as work can be a pain sometimes,I think I would go mad just sitting around doing nothing.

Good on ya Jamie ...good you got a crank/ work.....

I will be unemployed on the 13/12/ ......
Am I worried NO Bloody Way..... Bring it on.....
Was supposed to be redundant in August...
So the last few months are a bonus....
I may look for work next year....

Cheers Nanjim
Cheers guys, was a bit worries but had 13 days off then back to work, driving truck and trailer around Sydney is a bit stressful but getting used to it and haven't taken anyone out.... yet lol
Jim, good to hear your not stressed mate, take some time off hit the gold fields and love it mate, that's what I did

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