Thanks Tathradj

Today's progress report

:lol: :lol: Tried too hard to make myself believe the chevron shell was zinc through multiple SG tests til I made it give me the SG of zinc

:/ idiot :lol: :N: should have believed the burn test, I know what zinc burns like, Bang head :N:
I new it was alloy by the way it peeled off but at least found out how much heat I needed

Budget so far is $17 between the zinc sulfate and 99% zinc plate

link for zinc below. Decided to bite the bullet and blow the 2 bob budget.
I used to have some zinc flashing but got recycled a while ago :/ but sure it would suffice if you have some around, also some newer wheel weights are made from zinc but not sure how pure they are.
I believe everyone is unsure about what's going on here because of the title so this is the first experiment, click below.
For those unsure this thread is about creating patina, preserving, and special coatings and tricks for copper coins and relics

:Y: not cleaning
For those interested stay tuned

I'm trying to do it first without having to deal with Lab suppliers so anybody that feels confident can achieve it
I'm using a coffee peculator beaker, you can get cheap at either a vinnies or your local tip recycling center like the one at Nelson Bay, yes the one that says not for stove top :lol: :lol: as long as your careful you should not have a problem.
I sit it inside an old not for food ever again cast alloy pot as a heat sink to avoid it splitting, and if it did the liquid will be retained in the pot and not spill everywhere.
The first run will be done with a few BB's of varying cleanliness so I don't ruin a penny with a FAIL :lol: :lol: so I can make sure I know how clean it has to be :Y: Hoping not to have to clean them as far as the penny on the left in the above post
Please keep the thread clean so it's easy to follow, if you start on page one has a variety of different tricks to try and Atom Rat is going to have a go at a few along the lines of patina, this coating is a chemical plating process which starts as a zinc coating which can be left looking silver or heating alloys the zinc with copper to create a brass coating

It' will be called
THE SILVER OR GOLDEN PENNY'S :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Stay tuned while I wait for the postie to show, maybe the end of the week, if you follow you may not make the mistakes I have already :lol: :lol: :Y:
This is not a super toxic process but please don't drink contents or deliberately inhale for fun :lol: :lol: :lol: :Y: