Thanks guys, but my job has generally been more strategic and statistical than with particular cases.
I did however, do some intelligence analysis in a fairly touchy area at one time, and had a fair bit to do with the Police Royal Commission when that was happening.
For the past while I have been working first in relation to recruit education, and then since 2011 in executive education for commanders.
While I've pubilished on criminal profiling (arguing that is mainly BS), I am not a profiler!
For those who are interested, here is a list of some of my publications. Not all of them are there, but you will see its pretty dry stuff.
Having worked in the public sector, the emphasis is not so much publishing in the scholarly press, as it would have been if I stayed in the university.
Also, some of the more interesting things I've been involved in don't get aired widely.
Sorry to blow my own trumpet a but, but I am feeling a bit sentimental about taking a break, because I did like my job very much. I did need a break, though.