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Minelab Interesting Modified SDC2300 On Gumtree

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Surely if Woody did the mods, as the author of the above piece, he would be doing some sort of quality assurance checks on the coils he is using in those or any other mods? The unfortunate thing is because of the mods to the detector & NF coil there is no way of getting the OEM's to check if there are any faults with the actual equipment or if indeed the mods are causing it. They won't touch them & you won't find many modders who will admit that their mods are the root cause of any issues.
Your giving poor old Muzz a bit of a flogging :lol: all he did was relay what he had seen. At no time did he say it was you or your SDC? Sounds like the bloke Muzz ran into owned the machine prior to the mods so may be in a better position to comment on the before & after?
muzz said:
I ran into a fellow prospector up at sofala a few weeks back he had a 2300 that had a coil mod that was done in quensland somewhere wouldn't say much bout it but it was running very bad wouldn't ground balence or quieten up said it has never been the same after the mods just a bit of input

Poor old Muzz ! does sound like he was being true.
Co-incidental few weeks ago though with unit retrograde.
again i`m told `i`m the 3rd owner .
First owner some Old Bloke originally didn`t get the job completed.
2nd owner sent it away tobe rectified for what dollar $500 or so.
He i believe tobe in QLD unlikely maybe the first owner `The Old Bloke` may be it was he you spoke with..
How many modded SDC are out there ? `Woody``or `Ismail Jones `` Reef Dog W.A ?

What ever the units misfire was at Sofala on my occasion is the issue it may be just old batteries running at 4hrs.
Faulty coil maybe from reading alternative posts i understand many units have issues at times some are more problematic.
What its ability when running smoothly was shoe tack at ``10 with its original coil. So hopefully my guess is cable to coil.
Cable connection could explain it with intermittent disconnecting to that degree.
No point in assuming anything at this stage my mate seen it running and believe it was running well and he was there for its misfire.
so blar blar blar .
Questions and answers
Happy Easter Folks.
Sorry correction on above Ismael ( not MS Ismail.)
Wolfau here on P/A said, Ismael Jones is teh guy that did his mod to the GP3500. Ismael is based in WA apparently.
So now i`m at a thread as i do not know who the apparent Tech guy is in QLD apparently in Brisbane.
Does anyone know or is this myth ?
There is another modder that does the Minelab F1A4's for Jack Lange (Goldhunters, Lost Treasures etc.) but not sure where he's based or who he is. Keeps a low profile.
AuMan on here may know more.
Thank you mbasko ,
Your knowledge and presence here is `invaluable` strange word i know.
In my case and possibly a few others putting a list of such Techno Services available i cannot see a problem with that.
Competition is good so they say.
I may soon give the unit a run at the beach and see how she responds.
I`m also under the impression that the unit was only opened up to re-direct the wiring.
My thoughts now is to introduce a volume control switch to the speaker not shore about the mods placing the speaker on top. ?
Another is to eliminate the 6 pin speaker plug it maybe possible to introduce a female 1/4`` standard Minelab socket don`t know why Minelab went for the 6 pin on
the SCD. Jacks i think their called.
If that is not possible go for the phase tec adapter lead with a new set of Black Widow Head Phones they have volume control for both sides. Goanna told me.
Not shore yet about the B & Z booster some reports i`ve read are saying it reduces EMI.
Alternative coils not previously mentioned here who knows The New Evolution's one of those may work .
Trial and error i guess.
mmmm its All gone quiet ?
Did i say B&Z booster may have been EMI filter for GPX.
Just wondering to whom may reply ?
Has previous P/A members ever noted the workings of Detectors.
What makes them tick ?
If what i read about the units referred to these units are Solid State ?
If so does this mean there are no differential adjustments within the unit ?
Now where is Darren ?
Hi Bush, I would be inclined to just use the Phasetec audio adaptor lead rather than trying to install a 1/4" jack inside the detector.

If there were any adjustments within the sdc, I would not recommend playing with them. Minelab have never included a screw to "wind the detector up" :D The only screws ever included were "make my detector moan and groan if these aren't set right" :p Though I suspect they may have borrowed the SETA function from the gpx4500/5000 detectors, though I have never opened up an sdc, so can't be 100% sure. On the flipside as the sdc only runs one timing, there is no real need for SETA.

Now, did I see mention of the 12" Evolution coil as being a possible candidate for the sdc?
If ever there was an alternative coil that would work well on the sdc, the 12" Evo is it! They are really well built coils and the transmit signal settles very fast. I used one on my F1A4 Level 3 over Easter and must say I was really impressed with its performance. Deepest bit I found was a 1.16g nugget at about 14". There was also another target(belt buckle) that I had waved over many times before with different detectors and coils, but lay in waiting for the Evo coil to go over it. But I'll save that for another thread with some eyecandy ;)

Thank you for the reply AuMan,
Enlightening and uplifting words to that description.
What i was getting at with the Differential Adjustments is if these units are Solid State.
In the event of the worst scenario are the circuit boards just replaced without any further tweaking ?
`i` understand the GPX5000 has a shallow setting and a deep setting switch in some ways that could be referred to as Differential ?
My thought on the head phone socket to a single pin at the unit was to eliminate or minimize a second to third to fourth connections,
that one would have using the adapter lead. From my experience with terminals they all at some time oxidize and can be troublesome.
I`m also wondering upon this is how or what makes the units speaker cut out when the head phones are inserted.
Phasetec obviously has worked that out so potentially it could be done.

I guess i`m at cross roads with this SDC go back wards to repair to near original or blaze new trails and see where it take us.
It is unfortunate that `The Seller did not mention to me the complications `that Minelab rejects service of a modded machine.
He `The Sales Man` has left me in an awkward position.
Soldier on.
Hey there ! Diggers and Co,
Technical question please to the Crew of Knowledge ,Facts and Imagination.
My Minelab ``SDC2300.``

Q1. Is it True that Minelab SDC2300 is in constant state of auto ground balancing ?
`i` believe `i` read this some where in the Archives of Reviews about these Units.
Q2.My next question is; if the First question is True ?
Hypothetically if the Ground Balancing Wire or Connection leading to the Ground Balancing Green Button on the handle was broken.
Would the SDC Unit / Machine still Operate in a Constant state of Balancing or Tracking.
In other words would it still work.
Hoping someone will come to the party on this theory of mine.
Any input here would be appreciated.
1. Yes the SDC is a constant auto tracking machine

2. If the green button wire was broken it would still work in normal constant auto tracking. You just wouldn't have the faster ground balance available with the green button to quickly settle the SDC down in variable ground etc.
Still reckon the green button is there for cosmetics only ;) like T on a B not really required with the excellent constant tracking capability of the SDC :)
Mate ! #50 mbasko thank you ! & #50lbs mbasko!!!!
Thank you for responding & thank you for the support previous.
`i` would like to tell you personally about what i have here!
This 2300SDC. mmm in Question .Modified.

Other interest here . Minelab , Coil Tech , Woody Alan ect . may not like what i have to say here.?
``but``i will say that in correspondence recently with Minelab concerning a GPXC4500.
Their response or Mr Mine-labs response to me was totally professional & polite /
Sucking up here.
.Moving on now/:}ML.
`i`posted a Post earlier Cyber Space i think it went.PA.
`i` found another Coil that runs OK with this SDC.2300.
YES ! a Bigger Sucker ! Coil.
it Seems tobe stable on the beach so far an hour or two no issues.Stable.Salt settings 1 -3.
Recently got my first target of any value outside side of boot tacks, musket ball shot & horse shoes/bullet casings..did `i` mention..
ye hah ! ! Gold on the beach.
`.i`` found a decorative pin/badge with some foreign logo stamped on it.10`` under ,non_magnetic.
Ye Hah !
`i` have another question. Techno support please.
`i` believe there are three wires running to a coil can anyone contribute to how this works.
Power in / Power out but why is an earth lead needed when it is connected to the `i` think i noticed - neg terminal of the unit at the junction
of the multi pin plug.
Support please ! Techno enthusiasts.,
comments welcome.
I'm no expert on coil wiring but if you're seeing 3 x wires they are likely to be 1 x tx (transmit), 1 rx (receive) & the 3rd could be a shielding wire to help keep it stable?
Thanks again for the reply Mbasko and Bacchus.
It all helps with my learning and understanding of which i enjoy.
`i` Must apologize for the previous post had a few moonshines last night that and my night vision is not so good.
Excited a little that i got the OK from some Big Guns on PA about the ground tracking balancing button lead detached.
Q1.Just wondering also would you still pump the coil up & down above the ground a few times to balance the unit.?
Q2.I`m also wondering would there be any advantages or dis-advantages with such a lead to the green button detached.. ?

Q3.Also back to the coil lead topic ( my flight thinking )
There was a small lead in the adapter connections that was made up by a previous Techno to fit the standard GPX coil plugs.

The lead earthed the two metal terminals by bridging them but also at the unit end connected back to the -neg terminal.
On examination that lead fell apart.I rewired the + and - leads but could find no reason to establish that earth bridge especially when basically the unit is double insulated. Correct `me if i`m wrong.
The unit now seems to be running stable although it has not yet been tested on mineralised hot ground.
Business Policy and Politics.
Rumors and Gossip.
That about sums it up really.IMO.
Just one other thing if you hear a rattle in your SDC it maybe that a magnetic wiring filter has become dislodged.
Send it to Minelab and leave your sealed Id sticker on.
Yes i have opened the unit up for inspection and found the modularity quit impressive. DAYOR- ( do at your own risk.)
I was hopping to attempt the fitting of a single pin headphone connection plug but as much as it could be done there is little room and lessor room for error.
Phasetech adapter lead is probably the best alternative.
As far as the 3rd coil `i`ve discovered that the SDC2300 is excepting i`m not going to reveal what coil this is.
Politics hey Grechie.
` i `did some air and ground testing with some impressive results but it would seem as with the 12``NF that sub gram target depths have been reduced.
I did notice on another site that a 11`` Double D coil has been fitted to an SDC it maybe a hoax.
By the way the new 12`` evolution was not a candidate for this unit.

SDC 2300 with Nugget Finder ``16 round Coil.

``16 NF coil testing on SDC2300.
Setting No 5. 0.3 gram @ 75mm. but detector became unstable after 10 mins.
Setting No 2. Stable over 1/2 an hour . 0.3 gram & 0.6 gram @ 50mm to 300mm.
Bush said:
Mate ! #50 mbasko thank you ! & #50lbs mbasko!!!!
Thank you for responding & thank you for the support previous.
`i` would like to tell you personally about what i have here!
This 2300SDC. mmm in Question .Modified.

Other interest here . Minelab , Coil Tech , Woody Alan ect . may not like what i have to say here.?
``but``i will say that in correspondence recently with Minelab concerning a GPXC4500.
Their response or Mr Mine-labs response to me was totally professional & polite /
Sucking up here.
.Moving on now/:}ML.
`i`posted a Post earlier Cyber Space i think it went.PA.
`i` found another Coil that runs OK with this SDC.2300.
YES ! a Bigger Sucker ! Coil.
it Seems tobe stable on the beach so far an hour or two no issues.Stable.Salt settings 1 -3.
Recently got my first target of any value outside side of boot tacks, musket ball shot & horse shoes/bullet casings..did `i` mention..
ye hah ! ! Gold on the beach.
`.i`` found a decorative pin/badge with some foreign logo stamped on it.10`` under ,non_magnetic.
Ye Hah !
`i` have another question. Techno support please.
`i` believe there are three wires running to a coil can anyone contribute to how this works.
Power in / Power out but why is an earth lead needed when it is connected to the `i` think i noticed - neg terminal of the unit at the junction
of the multi pin plug.
Support please ! Techno enthusiasts.,
comments welcome.

The three wires are,
red= coil ground
black = coil transmit
yellow= receive

I have here an sdc2300 for repair(it is repaired) and the owner has given his blessing to investigate what modifications might be useful for it.
Once warranty runs out on these units, genuine service is a bit of a worry.

Cheers Mick
G`day AuMan,
Thanks for the wiring Color Coding.
With this Unit the SDC adapted connector cable plug to standard gpx coil cable plug.
The SDC and GPX series are different mirco 5 pin on the SDC and 6 pin on GPX from memory.
There was an additional wire placed bridging the connectors on the outter side of that plug. Modified
An extra Earthed lead i believe so to speak.
When i tested the plug pins i realized that one of the connector pins earthed the two plugs any how.
So I removed that external wire to see if there was any variables.

I now have opened up the standard SDC 8``coil hoping to install a new cable.
It now seems that to reconnect new wiring to this coil may not be achievable although i have not probed into or under the foam seals to the terminals as yet.
It would seem that i will have to splice the new wires to the original wires but under the coil covers is my preferred choice.
Not shore what or how this will effect it`s performance.Continuity ect.

What i have discovered is these SDC units are so sensitive that even running your fingers around the plug connections without contact can send signals to the unit.
Possibly the small amount of electricity that runs our human body these units will detect.
Basic insulation tape around these fittings i find is not substantial. 8.(
In relation to the above.

Quote ; SDC2300 And Coiltek 14 x 9 Finds Thread (First Day First Gold)
Started by Bacchus..
Using the standard 8``coil.
False Signals.
My thought here is the spring loaded Wiring that enables the shaft length extension where cables are normally fed through the inside of the shaft.
With this one the curly sprung cable is running on the outside from it`s modification.
I think the breeze vibrates the cable at times causing the unit to become a little unstable from too much vibration.Confusion my guess.
I do get a lot of false signals when that cable is bumped on bushes ect.
The cable now is looking a bit shabby so i`m going to attempt to open the standard ``8 coil up and re-wire with straight cable and maybe feed the wires up the inside for more protection.
Bacchus said:
Still reckon the green button is there for cosmetics only ;) like T on a B not really required with the excellent constant tracking capability of the SDC :)

Time to let The Cat out of the Bag.Ha Ha !
Quite Correct Bacchus.
On Internal Examination i could find no connections of wiring that lead to the Green Button.
So it sort of makes me laugh that people are holding down the Green Button pushing and lifting to ground balancing the unit.
If anyone is in doubt of a troublesome button i`d say don`t worry about it.
Cosmetics from Mine Lab is my thoughts.
Maybe Minelab placed it there in the event it was needed.
Maybe a Minelab Representative wondering on this site may like to comment.
Now Who`s pressing who`s buttons .lol. :p

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