Late yesterday afternoon I was sitting on the couch reading the paper when the missus called out Dear, can you remove the spider web from the front porch. I had first noticed the web slung between two of the supports on our front porch about 5 days ago. Knowing it was only a teenie, weenie little spider anyhow, I wasnt really concerned.
However the web had now reached over a metre in diameter and the missus did like to sit out on the porch in the evening and have a read.
So, with my good lady expecting me to man up and protect her from any lurking arachnids, and me knowing it was only made by some tiny little garden spider, I grabbed my trusty new can of Mortein (I had emptied the last one during a previous bloody encounter), and proceeded to spray around the web. I gave the outer edges a particularly good squirt, as I guessed that was where the little blighter would be hiding.
Suddenly, and from above, a huge black spider lowered itself down a strand of web so thick, it could pull a Land Cruiser and caravan out of a Nth Queensland bog in the middle of the wet season.
Well, that spider had made the biggest mistake of his miserable life and it would be his last .. I was bravely standing there with half a can of Mortein in my hand.
Ha, Ha, take that you monster. And minutes later, my Mortein can empty, the monster lay dead at my feet. Another victim of Mortein and yours truly - Chiron, Slayer of Mighty Arachnids.
And the missus smiled at me with her special smile - she knows her man is a mighty hunter and protector.
NOTE: Sorry I couldn't post pics of the victim of my last encounter (he's still somewhere under the furniture).
So here are the before and after pics of my recent adventure.
However the web had now reached over a metre in diameter and the missus did like to sit out on the porch in the evening and have a read.
So, with my good lady expecting me to man up and protect her from any lurking arachnids, and me knowing it was only made by some tiny little garden spider, I grabbed my trusty new can of Mortein (I had emptied the last one during a previous bloody encounter), and proceeded to spray around the web. I gave the outer edges a particularly good squirt, as I guessed that was where the little blighter would be hiding.
Suddenly, and from above, a huge black spider lowered itself down a strand of web so thick, it could pull a Land Cruiser and caravan out of a Nth Queensland bog in the middle of the wet season.
Well, that spider had made the biggest mistake of his miserable life and it would be his last .. I was bravely standing there with half a can of Mortein in my hand.
Ha, Ha, take that you monster. And minutes later, my Mortein can empty, the monster lay dead at my feet. Another victim of Mortein and yours truly - Chiron, Slayer of Mighty Arachnids.
And the missus smiled at me with her special smile - she knows her man is a mighty hunter and protector.
NOTE: Sorry I couldn't post pics of the victim of my last encounter (he's still somewhere under the furniture).
So here are the before and after pics of my recent adventure.