How is this... Queensland (Qld) fine

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I won't pile in on you 20x as what you did was hardly a big deal although it was against the rules. I used to pan in an area the rangers were happy with and even used to chat with us while we panned to see if we were getting good colour but was later warned not to continue in no uncertain terms, at the time it really pissed me off as I was doing something everyone was doing and was a harmless activity. I found out later the reason for this was because some idiot decided to come in with a dredge at night and ruined a good thing for the rest of us as well as others just leaving garbage everywhere. They have to make these stupid rules because a minority always ruins it for the rest of us.
Well that last post by 20X says it all for me rules dont matter to this guy I am Done .PP
20xwater said:
I posted this coz I've never heard of anyone ever being fined.

I'm saying it does happen.

I'm also saying #uck the rules!!!!

It's good to advertise that fines are being handed out , just hope it scares a few idiots out of doing the wrong thing.
20xwater said:
Ps...that $400 just means I only get $100 extra this fortnight from the corona payment. It's not my money they get, it's their own.?
If your trying to make people hate you , you are on the right path . That attitude has just took you from interesting all the way to oxygen theif.... :poop:
This thread has gone far enough. It's a good example of why we must understand and follow the rules in pursuit of our chosen hobby. Each state has different rules and as prospectors and fossickers we must do what is right so future generations can enjoy this hobby as well.
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