How do you set up a sluice?

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Jan 9, 2019
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Creek set up seemps pretty simple, but what about larger rivers, where the water has flow, but is generally flatter? How do you get an angle for the water to run down your sluice, when the water is horizontal?

Build a MUCH bigger dam wall!
Your going to need legs for your sluice.
Adjust the angle and depth to suit the flow.
If your using dream mat, my opinion is flow is more important than angle.
With enough flow, you could run it near flat.
I have a 50mm lip bent down at 45deg to scoop more water. And 65mm high lip on the flare.
Plus it it 600m wide.
This set up enables a slow flow, or fast. Etc.
From my experience, another indication a sluice is flowing correctly is for is the water flow to make a V shape down the head of the sluice, which in turn should appear as a vague line of faster water down the centre over the rest of the riffles/mesh.

Always drop some non pay dirt through first and this will reveal the flow pattern & clearing speed!
Yes a good evenly displaced V line helps determine tilt as well. Every sluice, flow and material, feed rate will vary, and will have its own optimum set up.
Never over feed any set up, they all need time to process fed material.
Well Sandbagger :cool: That's how a lot of us have learned the going out there and ...'doing' :cool: ALL the tips previously given you are solid advice born out of trial and error as well as stuff passed on from those who came ahead of us...don't confident in your ability and have fun!...Iwould suggest though that you place a pan or large dish at the discharge end of the sluice...that way you can recover any gold you might have lost while getting your flow rate fine tuned. :cool: :cool:
Sandbagger said:
Thanks guys. I'll put it into practice just as soon as it arrives in the mail.

Getting an 8 inch Gold Rat sluice with the dream mat. First time. Never used one before, but getting real good at panning and locating gold.


I've not tried a dream mat myself but all I have heard & seen about them is positive things. I hear the flow in them is not quite a crucial compared to traditional sluice setup. As long as the material is moving around in the holes you should alright :Y:
We find the secrets are getting the flow to form that "V" mentioned. A 150mm magnetic Bunnings level, getting the fall of about 1 : 4. Will be sorting adjustable legs soon.... :)
I have a full workshop at home and at work, so any, "modifications" I need to do are pretty easily done. It's mainly the mat I bought it for. \

I'll keep it simple for a start.

A good correct flow is always important.
The cells will always be basically full.
Lake of flow will causeaking/packing and therefore gold loss.
Pre classifying is best if you are struggling with a flow.
And a much slower feed rate.
Does anybody have any issue or solution for tailings building up at the base of a river sluice. I get a build up at the end and keep pushing it away with my hand. If I dont do anything, it messes with the last couple of cells of the dream mat
Sandbagger said:
I have a full workshop at home and at work, so any, "modifications" I need to do are pretty easily done. It's mainly the mat I bought it for. \

I'll keep it simple for a start.


If you have any problems with the sluice ring Dustin at Goldrat and he will be happy to assist with whatever problems you have concerning the sluice.
BrendonW said:
Does anybody have any issue or solution for tailings building up at the base of a river sluice. I get a build up at the end and keep pushing it away with my hand. If I dont do anything, it messes with the last couple of cells of the dream mat

I had a similar issue with my Angus mackirk sluice. I found stronger waterflow solved the problem for me
HippyProspecting said:
BrendonW said:
Does anybody have any issue or solution for tailings building up at the base of a river sluice. I get a build up at the end and keep pushing it away with my hand. If I dont do anything, it messes with the last couple of cells of the dream mat

I had a similar issue with my Angus mackirk sluice. I found stronger waterflow solved the problem for me
And if that's not an option I suppose scraping out a bit of a channel to help the tailings move further down might help. :Y:
navieko said:
HippyProspecting said:
BrendonW said:
Does anybody have any issue or solution for tailings building up at the base of a river sluice. I get a build up at the end and keep pushing it away with my hand. If I dont do anything, it messes with the last couple of cells of the dream mat

I had a similar issue with my Angus mackirk sluice. I found stronger waterflow solved the problem for me
And if that's not an option I suppose scraping out a bit of a channel to help the tailings move further down might help. :Y:

This ^ Always a better option to keep an eye on the tailings - it's worth the extra 15 seconds of work to know you are not losing anything due to build up :)
My sluice arrived in the mail. Gotta wash it today and give it a crack! Pretty excited. Never used one before.


It was suggested to me to run a bit of fine grooved matting up front so the mat i had in the back of the ute now has a section missing! I didnt think of it at the time but a comment I received was it was tread off the side boards off an old VW beetle!


I will eventually make an extension with the likes of miners moss and maybe riffles. I have some alum that would be ideal as an extension, otherwise i might just make another sluice altogether.

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