I'm a lady and have often camped alone beside the Murray over the years. I have a favourite spot there, that is so familiar now, it feels like my home away from home. I've never had any problems there. Although early one morning I did get a bit of a fright when I was woken by the sound of something creeping around my tent. Twigs snapping, then silence... After it happened a few times, I finally got up and quietly undid the zip just enough to see out - and it was a cow! A small herd of them were grazing beside the river, and one was not even two metres from my tent. Laughed at myself and went back to sleep.
Not every sound you hear in the bush is a danger to you, mate. With so many nocturnal native animals in our bush, it's most likely to be one of them! Get your torch out and do some native spotlighting and enjoy the sounds of the bush, check out the animals, don't be afraid of them!
I recommend going back to the same spot a few times, just to get used to it, and pretty soon you'll feel safe there, in the familiar surroundings, and getting used to being in the bush alone. When you've done that several times, you'll learn that it's not the scary horror story your mind thinks it is, in actual reality.
Also, for my recent trip to Hill End, travelling alone from Melbourne with a couple of planned overnight stopovers, my sister told me to turn on Google locator and share my location with her, so she could keep track of my whereabouts on the journey. I didn't know you could do this, but I did it, and just knowing that she knew exactly where I was, was somewhat of a comfort to me when I was in strange places, knowing she knew where I was at all times.
I think people are a lot more paranoid than they need to be, in reality. Especially city people, who are used to so much noise and crime on the streets.
The quiet does take some getting used to on the first night, because you are used to so much noise - but it's nothing to be scared of mate.
Just get out there and enjoy nature - the peace and quiet is good for your soul.