Hi from Minnesota

Prospecting Australia

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Feb 17, 2013
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I am new to prospecting, but really enjoy all the information and the people who share the interest. It's great to be outdoors and appreciate the nature of this hobby. I have been metal detecting for much longer, as I was first shown this art as a youngster. The rules for recreational mining is very restrictive here in Minnesota, which is so unfortunate to be burdened by the commercial rules involved. However, we make the best of it with limited panning every so often. The video's available are fun to watch, and plan to vacation to where this hobby can be enjoyed.
Hi daneisch, welcome to the forum. That's a shame about the restrictions you face, is there much gold about where you live?
Hi daneisch and welcome. Makes it hard when the Government want to intrude on how you have fun and spend your recreational time.
I won't get started on that :mad: Anyway, good to see someone from so far away joining us here for a common enjoyment.
Welcome daneisch , pitty about the regulations in your area. Seems like the States are becoming pawns to the " greenie " movement same as over here. We are finding it more and more difficult to find areas ourselves to pursue our great hobby. Problem with all the "do gooders" is they really have no idea, in most cases what little impact recreational fossicking has on the environment. They watch shows like Gold Rush Alaska where they strip large tracts of land and bulldoze overburden into pristine river systems....then shake their hands in the air and say recreational fossickers do the same damage. This could not be further from the truth. The small amount of disturbance from recreational gold panners and gem hunters is far less than the disturbance from mother nature herself. Most rivers flood naturally every season and the banks change in accordance to what mother nature sculpts....not the recreational prospector.....good to see you on the forum and look forward to hearing about your adventures and hope the restrictions over there don't get any worse....Cheers Wal. :)

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