Wonder if the metal tube works better than the plastic ones. I have had to clean up the ends of the plastics ones over time with a Stanley knife as they can sometimes burr over a bit.
I had to get a new one last time I dropped into Aussie Disposals (Bathurst). I was kicking myself because I thought I had left my last existing one somewhere like others before it (I swear I need one of those leather belt pouches for them) I thought I had left a punter a lovely gift somewhere along the Turon, I got home and breathed a sigh of relief that day. Somehow was under my computer desk containing 2.6 grams foolishly left in the bottle from a couple of trips out.
I stitched myself up in the end at Aussie Disposals, I grabbed 5x glass vials, he had plenty in stock. The last few times I have poked in they were out and he kept telling me he had ordered some. No price on them, they were only ever $1 each, he rang it up and I tapped my card, hang on a sec? $27.95? lol the bugger had put the glas vials up to $4 each!!
eBay is a funny place, I was looking at a store selling a fancy computer keyboard only today, $500 above average retail price. I messaged them because their postage was pretty reasonable and asked if there was an error in the "buy it now" price? They messaged back "NO THAT IS THE PRICE! TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT" I thought it was a bit odd as it was not an open auction, only the buy it now option.
I always have a chuckle about that guy not long back advertising Wombats and Echidnas as "Gold/Metal Detectors" I think they were like $125,000 or something crazy like that.