For those in the Golden Triangle, Lyle Eales stores stock NBC.
No probs will try get something up in next couple months. If you're heading to eastern goldfields mostly hy/diff with high sens is way to go. Some areas in northern goldfields you can run hy/normal with high sens and places like Nullagine on the flat ground hy/diff as it gets a bit noisy. But surprisingly when you enter the creek systems there, run hy/normal with 20 sens and it will still sound quiet.tryhard1968 said:Welcome UTBN, fantastic information keep it coming, I am actually heading to WA June-Aug and will lap up any experience of others like yourself to make my trip more enjoyable and rewarding. Love the pictures really puts a shiver thru the spine. I have actually just upgraded from my 4500 to a 7K so I hope I get in enough experience before heading West. As mentioned it would be great if you could upload some Videos of digging different types of targets and the settings you are running at the time.
All the best for 2016.
Rgds tryhard
Did the software update. I'm not a professional and live 3 hours from the gold feels so I don't get out much. Definatley not targets. Seems to be the wet solid timber as it doesn't do it on all trees. Weird.mbasko said:Have you done the software update? I thought a lot of those types of issues stopped after the update but I've only used an updated one so can't compare to the previous software.
The only other signals I've got at the base of trees turned out to be metal of some sort - more often than not bastard bird shot which is a bugger to find with the 14" coil. Initially I thought some were false signals again but got small junk targets. Haven't had it false on roots since that first day & it happened within the first hour or so? I had put it down to a bad balance on my part.
I did dig but found the roots. A few time dug under but the signal doesn't get bigger. A few have been in the tree as they are a big tree. All good. Thanks for the great tips. Don't get out much but when I do I love it. Being out doors.Utbn said:Mate last year I recovered many thousands worth of target retrievals. Both trash and gold. There were still plenty times where I'd get a pretty good response that sounded deep but would be a false target. On those particular targets I'd just dig 6 in or so, if response improved great, if reduced response, I'd fill in the scrape and move on.mbasko said:Happened to me first trip. The tree roots were very close to the surface & very moist when I had it. Hasn't happened on any others yet? Maybe my ground balance wasn't that good either on my maiden voyage.
I haven't owned a gold detector, including non Minelab brands, that I haven't dug some sort of false ground or other signal with. Comes with the territory I think?
This year I'll try video a small target retrieval to whack up here as it may be handy for some who struggle. You should be able to get the target with in a min or so.
Utbn said:Mate not wrong about bushmans, I think I mentioned the chemical burns I got to the face from it.
I'm off tomorrow so good luck to everyone for 2016. Just in regards to the bits I got last year. I worked 10 to 16 hour days, everyday. By season end I was pretty spent. My left hand was in bad nick but feet far worse. Zed owners I swear you've got a very good detector but that is just one part of it.
If golds there well you'll get it.
Last year I worked the hardest I've ever done and to be honest I'd never want to do that again. Two things got me the gold, zed and a pretty big work ethic.
Anyway I'm outta here for now and will put up a few posts from time to time for those interested. Good luck