Goldfield Junkies

Prospecting Australia

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One thing that worries me is we have prospectors walking around usually alone carrying thousands of dollars worth of equipment..... And these feral junkies are now hanging around the same areas.

So a warning to anyone who decides to approach a prospector....... Don't approach without a detector in your hands.... Or I will assume you have bad intentions.
I still think all needles should be individually numbered, and anyone needing a needle should be dna tested before they get registered as a needle needer ,..... then any discarded needles that had been provided can be dna tested when found with the appropriate action then being taken against the perpetrator ,... that being incarceration into a government rehab institition until clean of drugs and retraining for society completed.
would certainly create a lot of employment in the near term future. ;)
Oh, and that registration would be for all needle users irespective of need.
Police could be given power to seize and destroy unregistered needles, and, we could have an amnesty for a while to allow for a proper transition to the new way of doing business. :Y: 8) ]:D
LC76 said:
One thing that worries me is we have prospectors walking around usually alone carrying thousands of dollars worth of equipment..... And these feral junkies are now hanging around the same areas.

So a warning to anyone who decides to approach a prospector....... Don't approach without a detector in your hands.... Or I will assume you have bad intentions.
Not only that, most of us are using bare hands when out. Makes me sick.
A Return Policy... Something like SA has with it's plastic bottles... 10c a needle, then at least the 'Users' would clean up their areas and make some money to buy more needles...or 'Whatever' they Need.. :/

LC76, Would a Sieve be ok, as I don't have a Detector yet... :/

It's sickening enough seeing rubbish out there in the forests, let alone this crapola.
How is your old man anyway LC? We all hope he's on the up :Y:
LW, I reckon that carrying a pan AND sieve would be OK. It's one of the oldest junkie tricks using a sieve as disguise - can spot them a mile off :|
LoneWolf said:
A Return Policy... Something like SA has with it's plastic bottles... 10c a needle, then at least the 'Users' would clean up their areas and make some money to buy more needles...or 'Whatever' they Need.. :/

LC76, Would a Sieve be ok, as I don't have a Detector yet... :/


Junkies wouldn't give a toss about 10 friggin cents. The only way to do it is have a swap system, if they want a new one they have to bring in their old one.
BigWave said:
It's sickening enough seeing rubbish out there in the forests, let alone this crapola.
How is your old man anyway LC? We all hope he's on the up :Y:
LW, I reckon that carrying a pan AND sieve would be OK. It's one of the oldest junkie tricks using a sieve as disguise - can spot them a mile off :|
Huh, have they been posing as prospectors mugging people? I never heard about that.
Edit, can't tell if you're joking there I'm too tired to process that.
:mad: This P155ES me OFF
I have had the bad luck of getting 2 NEEDLE STICK INJURIES :mad: :mad: On separate occasions
And I can assure you it is not a good feeling when you realize what is sticking out of you :eek: :( 8.( 8.( :mad: :mad:
After 4 Blood tests over a 12 Month period :( All clear :D That was 10 years ago :Y:
If people most Posion their body with this chite :| :| at least PUT THE CAP BACK ON So the rest of society can clean
up after you a little safer :rolleyes: again !!!
Better still get off the chite and rejoin Society :Y:
Better yet, don't just put the cap back on but dispose of them properly - like all rubbish!
Never been stuck by one dam it (that reads badly - should read: " Never been stuck by one thank God"), but have cleaned up many - mostly from suburbia but some from the bush.
I had to explain this sickness in our society to my young kids (with warnings and gory details), and it was not a nice reflection of humans.
I think (know 99.9%) that it put the kaibosh permanently on their unlikely hard drug taking, but unsure of the trauma inflicted - that's another aspect of what these pricks do to our society - they bring us all down.
Joking OP, as was LW, but being approached by out-of-place looking strangers in the deep bush would raise my hackles.
Might have been using them as a sucker for tiny nuggets!
Sorry bad joke.
I actually feel for druggies in that that do not experience the HIGH of Life that we do whether that be finding gold or a shilling.
I just hope that our young children are getting the info from parents first and teachers with community next.
One death by ice equals 5,000 deaths by alcohol (abc radio today).
However, I still say that everyone has a choice. Smoke or don't, drink or don't, take drugs or don't. Whatever your choice, don't blame everyone else for your problems.
Apologies for the rave.
Problem with putting caps on needles after their shot, is they are too off their faces to do that.. :mad: ... It is no fun playing the waiting game... We had issues on a site I worked at the Cross in Sydney.. Needles in our Air-con Ducts, Plumbers pick up a piece of pipe and a needle slides out, Sparky's cable rolls with needles in them... All this was from the Workers on site :eek: ...Not the Junkies from the street... All up about 70 guys on site got a needle stick injury over a period of 12 months...No fun at all...

But What is the Solution to the Issue?.... More Rehab places?, Legalize Drugs? Throw them in jail? ....... Nobody seems to Know...
I can see in the future Detector operators won't be finding Lead-shot, or 'junk' any more, they will be finding Sharps.... :/


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