G'Day All
GOLD, the word that has lured people all around the world to try to make it rich so is it still possible to do it today in Australia with modern technology like Metal detectors and the like. So my question is it possible to do it or just a pipe dream I have looked at lots of youtube videos where you see people finding gold and saying that they would not get out of bed for anything less that $1000 bucks a day is that just B.S or is that possible with all the restrictions like big mineing companies ( that most are not even Australian ) and our own government stopping people looking for gold in crown-land and national park land let along land owners not letting people on there land.So if you buy a minelab GPZ7000 would it ever pay for itself or just be a expensive TOY 8) 8) 8) 8) So what do we all think I'm not picking on the Gpz7000 I just used it as a example
Cheers Ted
GOLD, the word that has lured people all around the world to try to make it rich so is it still possible to do it today in Australia with modern technology like Metal detectors and the like. So my question is it possible to do it or just a pipe dream I have looked at lots of youtube videos where you see people finding gold and saying that they would not get out of bed for anything less that $1000 bucks a day is that just B.S or is that possible with all the restrictions like big mineing companies ( that most are not even Australian ) and our own government stopping people looking for gold in crown-land and national park land let along land owners not letting people on there land.So if you buy a minelab GPZ7000 would it ever pay for itself or just be a expensive TOY 8) 8) 8) 8) So what do we all think I'm not picking on the Gpz7000 I just used it as a example
Cheers Ted