Hi Fwdoz ,
There was an overlap with the previous post re Moneybox sorry about that i was not being dismissive.
Good sound advise you gave as i just downloaded and ran the spyware you recommended and guess what.
After scanning with Defender then Avast with no apparent issues found but Superior Anti spy ware just discovered 12 tracking cookies.
I could not find the safe download in google play store or micro soft store but found this link below that i scanned prior install.
Turned off / paused Avast when running the program so not to interfere with each other.
All tracking cookies now removed.
I have had issues previously trying to be rid of infected zipped files that i have not worked out yet how to remove.
Any advise how to Fwdoz would further be appreciated when / if that event occurs again.
Thank you for good sound advise i`ll keep this on my pc as an extensive tool.
Safe download.