I was going on this - "The plant uses reverse osmosis filtration membranes to remove salt from seawater and is powered using
renewable energy, supplied to the national power grid from the Infigen Energy –owned Capital Wind Farm located at Bungendore."
Part of the Sydney Desalination Plan's cost was the construction of a wind farm to offset the energy usage of the plant with
100% renewable energy. The 67–turbine
Capital Wind Farm at Bungendore was built for this purpose and produces approximately 340 gigawatt-hours (1,200 TJ) per year. The generating/
nameplate capacity is 140 megawatts (190,000 hp).
I have plenty of issues with resources and foreign investment - just feel the focus should be on the real stuffups and things that we can change, The issue of our exporting gas and driving the price of domestic gas sky-high as a result is a sore polint with me. That needs correcting.