Florin Fingers, Bad Santas, S, + you can now kick it Retirement Stone

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Jan 11, 2015
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Remembered a little place, from years ago.....lot of history there, and its 100m or so, from where my dad died at home. Get there 9am, knowing I would find coins, because this place is next door to where a school once was, wasnt sure what age the coins would be though. 2nd target was a commonwealth half penny, which surprised me, expected brown buggers, or roos at best! Wandered around, tons of aluminium, junky relics, and a roo penny. Spotted this old guy watching me, waved to him, he waved back, and started to cross the road, a bit ricketity with his walking stick. Told me, that he was 90, and has done detecting himself. Spoke for awhile, and off he goes back into his home. I find a com penny, and look up, and here he is with an ancient compass metal detector. It looks like new, metal speaker grill, no discrim. He turns it on, and starts detecting. He found a killer signal, and I offered to dig it for him. Was an old deodorant spray can, but it made him laugh. We spoke some more, showed him my detector, he had never heard of a pinpointer, said it would help alot. Anyway, off he went, back into his house, detecting all the way. Was great to chat with him :) Went back to detecting, and few BBs, couple a pennies, then as I was pulling out another penny, I thought to myself....why its this penny silver? Then it dawned upon me......

The rest of the finds later, in my 705 thread, but woooooohooooo!
Great story Rocket. Sharing the finding of your first florin with a chat with the older gentleman and brother detectorist makes it a day to remember. NICE! :D
R.I.P Rockets Dad.

Congrats on your first florin. The flood gates will open now. :)


Hang on a minute ... Lets not get too carried away just yet

Rocket did you really find it or was it actually the one and only find by the old bloke, and your just claiming the prize :lol:
That would be a very crafty move ;)
As opposed to having to tell the true tale of an old bloke turning up with an ancient thing (with flat batteries) and him finding a florin :rolleyes: :8
Sandta said:
Hang on a minute ... Lets not get too carried away just yet

Rocket did you really find it or was it actually the one and only find by the old bloke, and your just claiming the prize :lol:
That would be a very crafty move ;)
As opposed to having to tell the true tale of an old bloke turning up with an ancient thing (with flat batteries) and him finding a florin :rolleyes: :8

What a terrible thing to say, your evil santary knows no limits! The old guy was cool though :) At 90, still able to swing a detector.
Make sure that monkey is well and truly gone and pull another couple :D

Congratulations :cool: what target ID did you get as I haven't pulled one with my 705 yet, the Aldi beat me to it :eek:

Way to go rocket, very well done. Guess now your going to have to draw me the map to find a florin now ;)
Careful... All the time and effort he put into finding that one( not to mention the ridicule )
It simply wouldnt be fair :lol:
Wally69 said:
Make sure that monkey is well and truly gone and pull another couple :D

Congratulations :cool: what target ID did you get as I haven't pulled one with my 705 yet, the Aldi beat me to it :eek:

It came in at 40 I think, at the time I thought it a penny.
Everytime I dug a 40ish signal, I was hoping. But of late, I was pushing myself hard, and when a penny popped, it was almost disappointment. I wont quest for a find ever again! But after doing so, I have really got a handle on this machine, like a crash course I spose :)
Hi Rocket
Just wanted to say well done on your florin however I will miss all the banter, it was quite amusing. Perhaps a sovereign will come your way so you can put the shoe on another foot, if you get what i mean. Good luck I am sure one is lurking somewhere.


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