don't you guy's have to fill in your holes ? or is that to tell every one you where here first .
G'day xracer this is not aimed at you it's an observation , When I went up to the patch in the park and found the holes the first thing I looked at was the ground type ( clay ) and the depth 1-4 inches , this tells me that in that area which is about 20x10 metres max that whoever left the holes found a few bits of gold with a very sensitive machine . I am also pretty sure that the gold they did get was pretty small because of the depth of the holes .
The guys who were first on this patch would of been there in the 80s with garret vlfs and whatever else they fancied in the day , the patch has probably seen every machine since then up to what may of been a 6000 with a new after market coil more recently .
Most people who do find gold fill in the holes as well as they can , not only because its required as a condition on a miners right or because it's the right thing to do , you fill them in properly so you don't signpost the spot you found gold to everyone else .
Around our local area in the places I go there is mainly alluvial gold , one telltale sign I look for is filled in holes with clay from underneath the wash laying on the surface around the hole , 95% of the time the nuggets are sitting on or just in the clay . As soon as you see that you know to slow down and give the area a good amount of attention .
All the holes I saw were less than 2 weeks old and given the **** weather we had in Ararat around that time were probably all dug within a day or 2 when it wasn't pissing rain .
I was getting sunburnt up at Tib at the time .
After I finished playing around with the F1 and sadie that day I pulled up to talk to a guy camped beside the road about 4-500 metres further up . He was an independent consultant preparing a report for Parks and Dwelp about the native vegetation and looking for significant and environmentally valuable populations of native plants up and down both sides of the road , including the area containing the patch , the point of that is Parks and Dwelp have a management interest right now in that area .
If anyone can't be bothered to fill in their 4 inch holes don't sook if the areas get shut down to prospecting
Cheers Clod