Favourite beer

Prospecting Australia

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when i drink beer but mostly scotch
Reg Wilson said:
Nothing like sitting in a bar by the Mekong with a big cold Lao draught. When at home I brew my own and put it in a 50 ltr keg which sits inside a fridge that I bought s/h for 25 bucks. A hole in the side for gas and a tap in the door. Luxury. Furphy takes some beating for a pub beer, and for DYR either Coopers or Briggalo, which is sold by Big W.

Have to agree with you there Reg, spent a couple of dry seasons there detecting for uxo's and a nice cold Beer Lao at the end of the day went down well.

At home it is cold VB because years ago travelling around Oz, VB was the only one that tasted the same in all states.


DrDuck said:
Sadly now I am diabetic I generally stick with Pure Blond, because it is very low carb. I like pilsners like Pilsner Urquell or the original Budweiser Budvar from the Czech Republic. Nothing at all like the horrible American stuff with the same name.

I went to a mates place last Saturday, and he has a full brewing setup with two temperature controlled fermenters and beer on tap. He makes lager style beers that are outstanding.

I'm with the good Dr. of Ducks on this, Pilsner Urquell or Budjovick Budvar (even Marksman 7.62 reckoned it was ok) I don't mind Samuel Adams Boston Lager, Arrogant *******s Ale or when I can find it Shiner Bock.
Home Brew for me have been brewing for years take them everywhere. It works out about 15 cents a tallie thats cheap and its nice i am having one now mmmm cheers
bundaberg ginger .

not much of a beer drinker anymore . used to be but not now .
lately been drinking a bit of butterscotch schnapps for my evening night cap .


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